Example sentences of "a [noun] give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 Having gained the initial advantage , the company can then price at a level to give itself a profit but still deter rivals , who face higher costs from entering .
2 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
3 Being a temp gives you a good chance to try out different types of work before committing yourself to a permanent job , and also to size up the different companies .
4 A minor skirmish with the bank on a hairpin gave us a puncture [ and heart failure ! ] .
5 Some Arabs in a tent gave them a little water and then the exhausted men finally stumbled into an outpost of the King 's Dragoon Guards .
6 Finally , remember that fishing from a punt gives you a tremendous advantage .
7 When I was twelve , and I got baptized , erm a lady gave me a little text and it was from Joshua chapter one and it was verse nine and it says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified , do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and that 's a verse that I 've been able to remember and to thank God for on so many different occasions all through my training as a doctor and it 's , all the promises in the bible are absolutely true and you can rely on them because it 's not a book written by men but it 's a book written by God .
8 She went for an hour and a half to give him a hot cooked dinner , which she had prepared in the morning , and to wash up afterwards .
9 You do n't get 5,000 people in a gallery giving you a cheer . ’
10 The fact that he was black and a Tory gave him a value out of proportion to his contribution to the local Party , so he was frequently trotted out at functions , and encouraged to ask questions of visiting speakers .
11 MERCY killing doctor Nigel Cox walked free yesterday when a judge gave him a suspended 12-month prison sentence .
12 When he was a young fighter , a doctor had to chase him around a desk to give him a shot , and chaotic mobility to him is at least as important as breathing .
13 ‘ It seemed to take less of a hit to give me a concussion and it 's taking me longer to recover , ’ he says .
14 Does a failure to give you a pay rise , say on an annual basis , amount to constructive dismissal ?
15 Shower heads should be cleaned regularly with a nail brush ; every so often use a descaler to give them a good clean .
16 After a few days she even left the cubs for a while to give him a reassuring lick .
17 Harry Enfield discovered opera a few years ago when a friend gave him a disc of highlights from ‘ La Traviata ’ .
18 A friend gave me a mini for scrap , but I immediately saw it as a hippo , so that 's what it became .
19 Marvellous as a map is , a globe gives you a far clearer idea of the overall situation , with the world being round .
20 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
21 Cheshire , who needed a victory to give themselves a fighting chance of winning the North West Group , scored 185 thanks to an knock of 66 from Stockport 's Andy Hall .
22 ‘ Carrie , I do n't need a baby to give me a reason for marrying you .
23 I make his bed once a week to give it a good puff up in the sheets .
24 The poet writes as if the train were a woman to give it a more human and emotional element and to allow the reader to be involved with the journey on a deeper level than would be necessary if it were a simple poem taken from an objective rather than a personal view .
25 Suppose that I expect a colleague to give me a lift home this evening , but that her car has a flat battery ; this wo n't stop us , however , because a friend 's car is parked conveniently near with some jump leads which we can use to get her car to start .
26 cos I 'm going as a favour to give her a lift really .
27 As a result , he continued , ‘ It is quite impossible for me in a letter to give you a detailed account of my proceedings my time being at present fully occupied in unpacking arrangements and other matters . ’
28 Six plus minus three is the same as six plus and a minus give you a minus , so it 's the same as six minus three which is ?
29 ‘ I want to keep playing well , and if I ca n't make the team then I want to be in a position to give myself a real chance in America in two years time . ’
30 Having a spill gives them a thrill , and it 's something for them to talk about afterwards . ’
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