Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] er [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
2 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
3 I jumped out the car young girl had a car that erm back of my car and dented the boot a bit and er her car was shambles !
4 Sure you know it 's , it 's a high fence but we could try to jump in and would have done the other , the farmer came with a stick and er he Useful know , no
5 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
6 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
7 Karen went to a wedding and er somebody 's wedding and she still has a dress .
8 Yes that was his name , you see well , well my father , as I say , he had a stroke and er he was in , in bed in the front room for seven years , you see .
9 Yes I mean er when I s er you know when I was on the Q E Two and was chatting with a fella and er he , they 'd been , he 'd obviously been cruising before and was on this cruise and er they were going on the er another Cunard ship a few months later , and it turned out that he was a hotelier who 'd bought a hotel in Swanage some years ago , I think he 'd had about seven bedrooms when he bought it and he gradually extended it , I forget how many he did tell me , and then he had a bit of a heart er attack and er his doctor told him to , you know , well if I were you I 'd just pack in your job which he did and that was about fifteen years ago he was I du n no if he was eighty or he was approaching eighty if he was n't and was in pretty good form , he was dancing , and er , you know , I mean there money 's no object .
10 Well he , he did n't really say a lot , er they asked him a question and er he , he just turned round and said er we hope , we hope it 's er a peaceful solution , that er virtually saying he hoped it did n't come to war , and Christine turned round and said ‘ yes we want a peaceful solution ’ .
11 Well she go Hilda got a baby boy about eighteen month old when I knew her like you know , and er she lived by I think it was I think it was you know and er what happened to her I be I think she had to go in a home or er you see and er baby boy was adopted like , the baby boy that 's about all I know about her that 's about all .
12 well I mean I 'm not surprised they do n't wan na take a picture of our garden cos it 's a mess but er I 'd have thought he would have taken a picture of yours and sold you one .
13 You were taken on as a boy and er you got a boy 's wages but you were expected to do as much work as a man .
14 in a trot but er I might just have this and none of them would win , I 've only , I would only praise them guessed up or that way or
15 What happened was there was a burglar and er they went downstairs and they him over the head and then they put him a chair and they got the and he goes , what shall we , what shall we wrap him up in ?
16 Oh I went to a place and er there was a staff of maids there you know .
17 What I could do is play a record but er I ca n't remember so bear with me for a moment .
18 I mean , if I sort of just stay for a , for a while but er I 've still keep looking for work looking for a job cos I do wan na get away from B T.
19 I went to the er er fourteens and er I was there quite a while and er I , I got a booklet in with all different nationalities and er it said Welsh , Taffy , you see , Taffy is Welsh , up here , is a Welsh name .
20 and he said he 'd , he 'd let me know before Christmas if he can get me back on a Wednesday , but I 'm still taken on a Wednesday but my friend takes me in the car on a Wednesday but er I like to go in the ambulance you see really so er
21 So er how does Paul relish the prospect of of playing up front , cos it 's a role that er he has n't played in while he 's been at County is n't it ?
22 How much is it , two thousand pounds , well she 's offered to pay it back at two pounds a week and er it 's gon na take a long time , is n't it , Sir , for her to pay it back ?
23 Trouble yeah , trouble I got put off for a fortnight , on the dole , then he , I was on the dole for a week and er he cos at that time you had to appear in front of the erm , what they call the Court of Referees at the Labour Exchange , that was their Committee .
24 As a matter of fact , that what they were lacking in and we er we had a driller and er we had a driller and er horizontal lather for turning and a grinder , when I say grinder I mean emery wheel , and that 's about all we 'd got in the shop .
25 Black Rozario 's just limping now he 's virtually a passenger and er I would think Forest have got a difficult decision to make a moment or two .
26 And it was quite quiet for a little bit because most of them had established themselves and we were waiting for a breakout and er we did n't get on the move again until the they went through the after it had been .
27 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
28 It 's going to be a heck of a game and er there 'll be some surprises as well .
29 I I 've a feeling that er she may be seeing individual students this Friday er and that 's all so er I do n't think there will be a tutorial .
30 And er happily we went along in that situation and I 've got to say this er I had shop stewards who even if they were new shop stewards coming into the committee , were n't long in developing the same train of thought as ourselves and , and you know we dealt with things in such a manner but er we were efficient just as efficient , you know , as our members were on the production line , and perhaps a little more efficient than the management in determining times .
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