Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] two they " in BNC.

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1 I 'll leave it at the moment , I know you 've now got a very busy day ahead of you lectures to attend and such things like that but er has anybody got a question or two they 'd like to ask me concerning anything ?
2 For a moment or two they could n't understand what was happening .
3 For a moment or two they watched the rain bouncing off the waters of the harbour .
4 In a moment or two they had left the Trevi behind them .
5 For the adherents of the new theory are faced with the prospect of having to abandon a theory that they feel to be right in the face of evidence which , at that stage , they are unable to reconcile with the new theory — when in fact in a decade or two they might well be able to do so .
6 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
7 For a minute or two they all watched the wounded bull swaying on its legs .
8 After a mile or two they passed an old farmer and asked him if he had seen Sir Hugo and the hounds .
9 Un until they were broke you know , after a week or two they got broke .
10 Microfibres are now so frequently used they no longer excite any comment : in a year or two they 'll be the norm .
11 Clouds gathered again in the course of the next two days , but after an hour or two they would disperse .
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