Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 Then the mesh , she told Sally the next time she saw her , I 'm sorry I made that mistake about you having a sister she said to Sally , I 've written to tell mother you 've said you have n't one she must of been mistaken what your mother said .
2 Her sister Clare , eighteen months her junior , described her as quote , a sister who seemed to be able do everything , she had a never ending social life , I was amazed how she managed to fit everything in unquote .
3 Each pair of houses shared a front door , staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard .
4 Well I worked there and then er quite a bit I had to w they had me working on the main road .
5 The judge had told the jury of what they had to be satisfied before convicting any of the accused , but the case cried out for a direction which amounted to the reverse side of the coin , namely , that they should not convict any person who was in their charge simply because of his association with others .
6 ' ’ It was just a decision we came to .
7 The move follows the party 's constant refusal to let him stand for re-election as a Labour county councillor for Harwich , a decision which led to Mr Knight 's resignation from public life .
8 It was a struggle which came to a head in the reign of Edward the Confessor , which began in 1042 .
9 The successful schemes were unsentimental and transcended the apparent dilemma posed by the design brief which asked for a building which related to preformed and powerful sensibilities and beliefs about life and death and which is also required to be effectively energy conscious .
10 Desiring Vitor was a pitfall which had to be avoided .
11 ‘ I need hardly tell you , ’ he continued in his dry voice , ‘ what a blow you dealt to she who cared so much for your welfare .
12 Car and Universal Finance v. Caldwell ( 1965 C.A. ) was another case where a rogue bought a car and by fraud induced the seller to accept a cheque which proved to be worthless .
13 There was a tiny shop at the Barnard 's Cross — Love Lane corner , again just the front room of a cottage which belonged to Mr. Mont .
14 Bede 's account of them — the unexpected defeat of Eadwine , the emergence of apostate kings , the ravages of Cadwallon , and the recovery of the northern Angles under Oswald , a Christian who prayed to God on the eve of the battle of ‘ Heavenfield ’ — constitutes one of the most dramatic and best-known parts of the Ecclesiastical History .
15 He said , ‘ I want to talk about a donation you made to Sinn Fein .
16 To each soul , be they merchant or prospector , mannered gentlewoman or rough-handed son of toil , Drachenfels told a story which appealed to their own greatest vanity or desire : warmth and shelter , food and drink , society and snobberies , paintings and poets and Elven musicians …
17 He insisted he had permission to be there — a story he repeated to police .
18 Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held that he had erred in English domestic law , because he had misunderstood the Hoffmann-La Roche case as extending to local authorities a privilege which belonged to the Crown alone ; and furthermore that he had erred in Community law because , since it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of provisions of Community law , it was necessary to require an undertaking in damages to protect any current right which Wickes might have , by virtue of article 30 , to open their doors for Sunday trading .
19 He was hard at work on the translation of a play which had to be ready two days later .
20 The five guerrillas , armed with rifles and dynamite , shot dead a photographer who volunteered to be exchanged for a hostage , the middle-aged wife of the hotel manager .
21 For years it was in the library of a Spanish noble house , from whence it was acquired by Thomas Thorp ( 1791–1851 ) , a baker who took to bookselling in Bedford Street , Piccadilly and Henrietta Street , Covent Garden .
22 During the period between the Fascist ascendancy of 1934 and the collapse of Mosley 's hopes in March 1937 , Joyce 's personal life had undergone a change which seemed to be for the better .
23 Ragusa was seen as a rival which had to be subdued and brought under Venetian control .
24 INFORMATION required on a rescue attempt by a Walrus which went to the aid of B-17 2102610 Boomerang on Saturday December 30 , 1944 , after it had crashed into the sea approximately 16 miles off Beachy Head .
25 What really annoyed Daugherty was that critics were applauding The Public Enemy , a movie which seemed to him to be just a very well-cut and scripted melodrama that would serve as good ‘ yokel bait ’ .
26 But not to have mentioned the subject at all , to leave a void which demanded to be filled — that , it seemed to me , would have been Hamlet without the prince ( or , more accurately , Queen Mother ) .
27 The couple had little in common , and her children died in infancy , one after another , a loss she attributed to the lead works Wright ran on their premises .
28 For instance he read every morning newspaper before midnight on the previous day ( in contrast to Harold Macmillan who claimed not to read newspapers ) and as a result he went to bed fully — and very ill-advisedly — informed of the disagreeable things that were being said about him , since almost all the papers had Tory proprietors and Tory-inclined editors .
29 He was so favourably impressed by the industrial potential of the area that he and some friends raised the necessary capital to revive the works , and as a result he moved to Shropshire .
30 The monster discovered who his creator was and where he lived when he found some papers as a result he travelled to Geneva .
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