Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 In experiments using British schoolchildren of the same age as Barron 's , selected according to similar criteria for being classified as " good " or " poor " readers , we have found that on a variety of tasks the poorer readers do show an ability to use the phonological codes for printed words ( Briggs and Underwood , 1982 ; Underwood and Briggs , 1984 ) .
2 The list of HMG-box containing proteins is growing rapidly , comprising a variety of functions the common activity of which seems to be their ability to bind DNA through this domain ( 3-9 ) .
3 For a variety of reasons the rule is often breached , but there would be no excuse for missing the deadline with a report which had taken so long to prepare .
4 However , since the mid-1970s for a variety of reasons the content of this ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ has been reduced .
5 For a variety of reasons the European nobility of the eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming increasingly to need money : to indulge their taste in war , to meet a higher standard of living , to pay for their ever more costly gifts to their friends , their superiors and inferiors , and above all to the Church , to indulge their taste for extravagant building , and to give dowries to their daughters and patrimonies to their younger sons .
6 The evaluators conclude that while the evaluation has shown how INSET and staff development can be enriched by a project like the Essex scheme , for a variety of reasons the development of this area has been disappointing .
7 Unlike Weber , therefore , who argues that in advanced industrialised societies representative democracy is for a variety of reasons the best available method by which to recruit political leaders , Schumpeter has little interest in recommending political participation for any reason .
8 I say " purport " deliberately because , for a variety of reasons the terms may fail in their objective in any particular case .
9 By the late 1970s , the average self-respecting British household expected to have its video recorder or microwave oven ; in a variety of occupations the computer was taking over .
10 When we looked at the Telegraph and the Times things seem so samey , there 's just this uniform effect everything seeming to look the same whereas here they 've really used such a variety of styles the curly , the straight , the blocked plus your black blocks across the bottom .
11 The commission for the piece came from Life magazine , but due to a change in publishers the images never ran , ‘ I 've tried to sell it overseas and in Europe and had very good success with it .
12 If it is a loss of earnings the court has only to ascertain and add up the net earnings lost , and if it is loss caused by out-of-pocket expenditure the court has only to ascertain and add up the total expenditure .
13 By the time Edward returned with a tray of beer-cans the fire was blazing with famished enthusiasm .
14 In a proportion of cases the first site of infection is the cervix , when there may not be any local pain .
15 So , to a screech of whistles the band plunge into a set full of jangling guitars and thrashing drums .
16 So , to a screech of whistles the band plunge into a set full of jangling guitars and thrashing drums .
17 There is a range of prices the upper and lower limits of which are determined by demand , cost , and capacity parameters .
18 The other man was in no particular rush to be anywhere , being newly-divorced and having been thrust back into bedsit-land alone and at the age of forty-two , but out of a range of possibilities the prospect of hanging around on a station platform with Joe Lucas had to rank among the lowest .
19 If it 's expressed as a percentage of patients the bar on the left side represents those sites who performed more than one hundred cases during the audit period .
20 To enable investigation of a plurality of views the modelling framework will be one which is designed to answer counterfactual or ‘ as if ’ questions rather than one which attempts to predict what the position of the economy will be in a number of years .
21 Beneath a haze of cobwebs the walls were painted with clouds , hefty angels and Disney characters .
22 IN this chapter we are concerned with a group of torts the function of which is to protect some of a person 's intangible interests — those which may loosely be called his business interests — from unlawful interference .
23 By using examples taken at random over a period of years the following list has been assembled :
24 Over a period of weeks the different teams meet to review and plan ahead .
25 Once again Britten keeps his grip on the music with the help of a formal scheme , this time a rondo with episodes the third of which alludes directly to Grimes by quoting the two distinct themes of his phrase , " What harbour shelters peace , away from tidal waves , away from storms " [ 10 ] , followed by a pointed combination of his next theme , " With her there 'll be no quarrels " , with one of the most agitated of the semitonal storm motifs ( almost the next time Peter and Ellen meet on stage they do quarrel ) .
26 January 1895 , when it was arranged to have a meeting of members the Friday following , the 25th. inst. each member to contribute a song .
27 Apart from a few independents and a handful of dissidents the only candidates among whom the elector can choose will be those that the parties have seen fit to put before him .
28 Take the cardboard seal out of the lid and drill a circle of holes the same diameter as an uplift support ( whichever you can get ) .
29 Sadly , the only conclusion I 've been able to arrive at since Mr Lamont did his bit , is that the sooner I become a recluse with a string of racehorses the better and that ca n't be right .
30 Despite being a launchpad for bands like Sweden 's Abba and producing a string of hits the Eurovision Song Contest has been panned by fans in recent years .
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