Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 The tér is in fact a busy roundabout from behind which a cable car takes you up on to Castle Hill and the ancient fortress area of Buda .
2 A cable car takes you from nearby Ehrwald to the Zugspitzkamm station at 9,203 feet which has been partly blasted out of the rock .
3 So when you go into the groups , you 're , you will have these two tasks , produce two press releases , one on the basis of a bit information given you , and the second on whatever you want to do , and you just , feel free to devise a , a situation , hopefully a real one , and describe it .
4 From the pretty little Hatley to the magnificent six bedroomed Abbotsley there is a Heritage cottage to suit you , and by self building with Potton you can be involved in every element of the design — so your home is just as you want it .
5 I do n't know anyone who 's got a Yugo car do you ?
6 A dive simulator allows you to plan dives and predict stops .
7 You should use the plan as a checklist for your future activities and as a monitoring document to show you how you performed against the plan .
8 Like a brick wall to protect you .
9 The hire shop may also have a demonstration video to show you how to use the equipment .
10 After reserving the names , you should expect to receive a mail message telling you that the package has been successfully created .
11 You will also receive a mail message telling you that the DC is now active , so go to Option 6.1.1 to Inspect it .
12 You must be an assessor of the DC to register your decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
13 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option but you must be an assessor of the DC to register a decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
14 One thing I forgot to bring with me this afternoon was a tape of the assembly worship I 'm sorry about that , but I do n't think you 've got a tape recorder have you ?
15 If a double-glazing salesman tells you that his product is crap , believe him .
16 Another more immediate solution would be to combine an outing with others who live near you so that you could get into town on a bus and then share a taxi back ; or ask a car owner to give you a lift , in exchange for petrol money and perhaps some skill that you can offer .
17 Finally , here is a check list to help you determine whether an objective is satisfactory :
18 Did you did you originally when you actually erm applied to get a council place did you did you s did you want to move to the flats here or did you apply for put other
19 What , what about row , row row , row , row , the boat gently down the stream , merrily , merrily , merrily , merrily life is but a dream Ant do you wan na sing row , row , row , row the boat gently down the stream ?
20 I think there 's probably one inside a pillow case knowing you
21 And with Superstyle Twin Track , a valance rail allows you to add a little extra style even in those awkward situations .
22 There is even a help screen showing you how to use the help system .
23 You have n't really got a Dorset accent have you ?
24 This means that if you hate , say , cottage cheese or liver , do not feel that you simply must include these foods in your diet because you have heard that these things are good for you , or because a diet sheet says you must have them .
25 If share prices fall over that time , a safety net guarantees you will get your money back .
26 This common urge can be fulfilled with a special torch boasting a fibre optic thread you can poke inside the drive to illuminate it .
27 If Dad is a war movie buff you could treat him to the classic Bridge Over The River Kwai .
28 This letter provides details of the resolutions to be proposed at the meeting along with the formal notice calling it and a proxy card to enable you to cast your vote at it .
29 I do n't know I think she 's got a joke book have you ?
30 Just a , just a dear Mr thank you very much for
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