Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover in any organization with a large number of service points — for instance , a public library authority — use of a base selection source also allows coordination of the acquisition and cataloguing processes .
2 with the ninety three , four budget , of three hundred and forty two and a half million and er through the addition of certain growth items most notably that requires the demography for the additional pupil numbers we establish a base resource budget there of three hundred and fifty nine and a half million .
3 On the half-hour Derry came close to increasing their lead when Lemon hammered a Garry Lennox corner goalwards and although his shot beat O'Shea , right-back Ian Woods cleared the ball off the goal-line .
4 Workmen laying lines for a cable TV company accidentally broke through the covering of an old coal shaft .
5 We sold a P S P too .
6 Do we need a P A G though ?
7 If you have a group of parents who want something particular from a school and are going to organise themselves into a group to pressurise that school , they 'll do it whether there 's a P T A there or not .
8 But the the weaknesses is that er he because he 's a P L C then he 's got to erm kowtow to the system to the er the city and therefore erm that is always going to be seen as a problem for him as am individual .
9 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
10 What we could choose to do if we wanted to keep them as that figure head and as a P R agency almost , we could pay them a specific salary , similar to other people who work in advertising industry
11 For those interested in a case study approach then Thompson ( 1986 ) is most illuminating .
12 And did some people use it like er almost like in a like a money lending scheme then ?
13 He read English at Cambridge — ‘ actually I spent most of the time reading opera ’ and went on to become one of the first crop of the Arts Council 's pioneering Arts Administration course , which was ‘ a bit Heath Robinsonish then , but still a wonderful grounding ’ .
14 Despite its huge revenue reductions in the years following 1979 , and a budget deficit second only to that of the US , Saudi Arabia 's major projects continue .
15 There is a corker gathering steam not far from my cottage over the siting of a compost heap .
16 One such building in the suburb of Karlshorst was a Stasi training centre less than a year ago , and has now been handed over to local artists , who have turned it into a Kunst Haus ( art house ) and bar .
17 A second method is through a contingency fee system whereby a lawyer agrees to act for a client on the basis that he or she will receive an agreed proportion of any damages recovered .
18 Is there a course work deadline today ?
19 Up to 30 victims could have died in a basement community centre directly below where the jumbo jet struck .
20 TWO policemen armed only with truncheons rescued a 40-year-old man as he was savaged by two pit bull terriers in a west London street yesterday .
21 In 1965 the owner of a West Highland estate generously offered £5,000 to the Crofters Commission to finance an experiment in afforestation by crofters .
22 In the short term , next week 's budget crunch is more like a toy train crash rather than the real thing .
23 The McGeorge Rose Bowl , a pairs knock-out competition also played throughout the season , was won by Archie Lang and Thomas McCluskie .
24 Well it 's not a cheque guarantee card anyway .
25 Cos it 's Visa , thinking about being a cheque thanks lovey okay .
26 This is effectively a sketch pad area where ideas can be tried out and refined .
27 I exclaimed my heart beating so wildly I thought I was going to have a heart attack right there at the table .
28 All four sources also independently confirmed that on 9 December 1988 , Israeli Defence Forces had captured documents in a raid on a PFLP — GC base near Damour , Lebanon , which disclosed plans to bomb a Pan Am flight out of Frankfurt by the end of that month .
29 The hay rick well it was That was what I speak about a a a cole Tramp cole where the hay r Hay was the tramp cole .
30 3 tablets of LSD , a drug Georgia Griffiths never used , were left in her fridge by another man .
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