Example sentences of "and it [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 CLAUDIUS : With all my heart , and it doth content me To hear him so inclined .
2 sores , Dr gave me these to clear them , and it does clear them up .
3 You think you 're fit , but not to the extent of athletes or to aerobic teachers of a high calibre , erm but I think we erm although we joke about , you can see on the pain in the faces that it does hurt and it does do us good .
4 And it does mean I know exactly how shitty you 're feeling at this moment , and all the horrible fates you 're wishing down on my head . ’
5 And it does give him a few funny stories to tell his mates in the pub .
6 I pumped one through today on something lost and it does give you an immediate link to , a written link .
7 Wales coach Alan Davies admitted : ‘ John Eales 's absence will certainly disrupt Australia and it does give us a bit of an extra chance of winning some line-out ball .
8 And it does cost you .
9 I feel how much he was at people 's mercy , being manipulated , and it does upset me .
10 Not that I want to kill anybody now , but it is all for defence rather than offence , and it does make me feel a lot more secure .
11 Erm and it does make it very difficult then for Trading Standards then to pick up the pieces .
12 And it does cheer them up .
13 And it does worry me because , if we 're going to go into unitory authorities whose going to take over these debts , if we 're going to build them up ?
14 We stroke it all over , from its tummy to its toes , and it learns to accept us , and is not frightened or afraid .
15 When I wrote out the application form and it said did I have any experience , I just adapted it .
16 When it was loose at night he gathered it in his hands and buried his face against it before kissing her , and it seemed to give him more satisfaction than the hurried , clumsy act of love which followed .
17 He sued to love the sun and it seemed to give him life but now as they drag his limp body into the sun they realise that nothing will wake him , not even the sun .
18 Sarah had been surprised at Mrs Fitzgerald 's calmness but Anne told her that her mother and Maureen spent every possible moment in church and it seemed to comfort them .
19 He had a terrific body — and it seemed to match hers to perfection .
20 When I was twelve , and I got baptized , erm a lady gave me a little text and it was from Joshua chapter one and it was verse nine and it says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified , do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and that 's a verse that I 've been able to remember and to thank God for on so many different occasions all through my training as a doctor and it 's , all the promises in the bible are absolutely true and you can rely on them because it 's not a book written by men but it 's a book written by God .
21 Tells you about your chain and your clusters and things , and it says do you want to convert them into files .
22 Well , he 'd had his one-night stand with Jessica , and it had gutted him , he knew how Karen felt .
23 Anna had explained , and it had given her the opportunity to describe details her daughter found miraculous .
24 He had held on to her hand as her flight was called , and it had given her the way out without tears .
25 Then he read a textbook of hers about the craft of the dramatist and it had stopped him from showing her anything for a year .
26 ‘ He said he 'd read it somewhere a couple of years ago , and it had struck him so deeply that he could n't shake it from his mind .
27 It had been a very unexpected meeting , she thought , and it had made her feel strangely elated .
28 Lesley-Jane Decker had seen someone or something in the wings the previous night and it had made her scream .
29 And it had made him feel big in a way that had nothing to do with macho trappings .
30 Mary Moxton had been his mum 's friend more than anyone 's , and Uncle Titch his grandad 's , and it had hit them harder than most .
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