Example sentences of "and a [adj] life [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A home movie starring Anthony Hopkins Caroline Shapland sacrificed her holly bush and a tranquil life for months of chaos with a film cast .
2 There are essays to be done , maths questions to answer and a still life to be drawn at almost every school across the country .
3 Other works in the sale include a Vlaminck ‘ Still life ’ of 1907 , a Renoir portrait of a young girl , still lifes by Matisse and Bonnard , two landscapes and a still life by de Staël and works on paper by Matisse , Moore , Dufy , Braque , Rouault and Vuillard .
4 For Christ , by his death , has served sentence for our sin , and offers forgiveness and a new life to all men .
5 Finally there was a harrowing 28-hour drive back to Britain — and a new life for the refugees .
6 With Uncle 's help we all struggled on after he died , and when I got a bit older and left school it was not possible for me to contemplate leaving home to find a job and a new life outside Baldersdale .
7 You give me a finger and I give you your freedom , and a new life in North America . ’
8 She knew quite well what the future held for her — marriage to Steven and a busy life as the wife of a doctor .
9 One woman , who already had a job and a busy life of her own , was surprised to find how sad she felt when her children left home in quick succession .
10 It introduced him to enlightened learning and a sophisticated life of foreign travel , and enabled him to move in the scientific circles centred round Sir Charles Cavendish .
11 He hesitated to go back to Bathsheba and a comfortable life on the farm .
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