Example sentences of "and a [noun sg] is give " in BNC.

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1 Of test questions Er yeah , these are these are tricky , where they give you something like They give you a melting point and a boiling point whether it conducts electricity and a gas is given off which turns limewater milky .
2 The relationship between COURSE and LECTURER is many-to-many , that is , one LECTURER lectures on many COURSES and a COURSE is given by many LECTURERS .
3 A full account of the development of North Shields is given in North Tyneside CDP ( 1978a , b ) and a summary is given in Chapter 3 .
4 An explanation of the available function keys and how these are used is given below and a summary is given in Appendix A.
5 If any fault is found , the production of the dots stops and a report is given of the fault .
6 Many churches have choirs , and a place is given in most services to an anthem or other piece sung by the choir alone .
7 The required action is broken down into small segments and a reward is given when the next segment of action is correctly performed — even if this is done by chance .
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