Example sentences of "and the [noun pl] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the gospels , Sir John , Christ says that at the end of the world the very heavens will rock and the planets fall to earth in a fiery blaze . ’
2 If students can argue for the project 's viability , through research and costings , then finance is released for production by a commercial printer and the students follow through their marketing plan in order to recoup the investment .
3 Bultmann 's is clearly a Christian position ( and the problems arise for feminists ) .
4 Development through to L5 takes place in the alveoli and bronchi , and the adults migrate to the trachea .
5 Plastics are light , but the force applied by active children to toys ( or the weight of the box contents ) does not decrease in proportion , and the articles need to be thicker near such load bearing points .
6 The factual circumstances that can arise are infinite and the judges rely on a mixture of legal principle , policy and common sense to guide them through the maze .
7 And the judges sympathize with it , that 's that 's a
8 This makes it absolutely clear that the early road and the drains belong in a mid to late second-century context .
9 There 's a reception area where they can sit and talk and the girls sit in there too and help the conversation along . ’
10 Eventually proposals of marriage are made and accepted , but during the ceremony — performed by Despina in disguise as the notary — military sounds are heard and the girls realize with horror that their original sweethearts are ‘ returning ’ .
11 Their eggs are also laid on moist ground and the males crouch beside them on guard .
12 Salaries and other remuneration are paid out of gross profits and the recipients account for tax under normal PAYE arrangements .
13 In either case , the herd bolts and the lions sprint towards them .
14 Modern Boy , you see , also printed fiction and the Krooms stalk through my head to this day .
15 Production and shipment has already begun , and the contracts extend through the first quarter of 1994 .
16 The gaps predominate ( and probably should be far longer than they are shown here ) , the lithologies are all diachronous and the fossils migrate into the area from elsewhere and then migrate out again .
17 First Annual Report and Balance Sheet , year ending July 12th , 1908 and the Bondholders Account to 31st October , 1908 .
18 We 've introduced a computerised system to deal with the orders and the meals arrive in heated vans with our service crew ensuring speedy delivery on the Trading Floor ’ .
19 The illustrations draw on the imagery of contemporary popular culture and the titles refer to current popular fictions , popular song for example , as in the 1940s reference to the Andrews Sisters ' song ‘ I 'll be With You ’ .
20 The villain makes a run for it , knocking over an oil-lamp and setting fire to his evil lair , and the titles drift past a close-up of his silent scream and melting face .
21 In group A the Paper Tigers with their amazing bouncing ball have lifted their rounders difference to great heights while Dr Blobby and the Blobettes have at last picked up some points from a game , which means that all teams this year have managed to win at least one point .
22 The self-supply provisions define a developer as anyone who constructs or orders or finances the construction of such a building , and the provisions apply to certain reconstructions , enlargements and extensions .
23 ‘ There 's this laddie in my year , he canna read or write and the teachers pick on him , except Mr X , he 's good and disnae make a fool o ’ him and helps him wi' forms and things .
24 The first few stages of this process are summarised in Table 2 , where C * ; represents consumption of home-produced goods and the subscripts refer to time periods .
25 And the conclusions appear to be that migration into the county needs to be modified , and secondly , that government policy was then and still is to pursue policies leading to the regeneration of urban areas e around North Yorkshire particularly West Yorkshire er and Cleveland .
26 And just over the moors in a northerly direction is Birkdale where the counties of Yorkshire , Durham and Westmorland meet by a perpetually angry stream called Maize Beck and the hills soar to a deep-frozen two thousand feet .
27 Later a storm breaks over the hotel ; lightning flares above the mountains across the loch , and the windows rattle as the thunder booms .
28 Countdown to recording and the contestants prepare for battle .
29 The pipes are surrounded by baked clay and the cartridges fit through a drilled basket containing Siporax .
30 There are interviews with women who still practise female circumcision and the film-makers talk to Efna Graham , the director of FORWARD — a voluntary organisation which is trying to combat Female Circumcision .
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