Example sentences of "and the [noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 She poured wine and water , and the bubbles calypsoed to the rim of her glass .
2 ‘ In the gospels , Sir John , Christ says that at the end of the world the very heavens will rock and the planets fall to earth in a fiery blaze . ’
3 The written observations submitted to the court are described below under two headings : the nationality condition , and the conditions relating to residence and domicile and to the place of operation , direction and control of the vessel .
4 In fact , whereas the parallel protestant movement of evangelical revival was for all people , and the issue tended to be decisive , catholic spirituality diverged on both points .
5 Although the Bush administration stopped short of making a full protest , its official statement described the remarks as " not helpful " , and the issue added to the political pressures already mounting in the USA for protectionist action against Japan .
6 These provide an opportunity for the tutor and the students to respond to each other and to discuss problems in a way which is not possible with the normal marking of test papers at a distance .
7 The outcome was that a second room was negotiated and the students returned to the pattern of separate and segregated groups .
8 Thus , if Jack and the girl go to the cinema , the descriptions and setting may suggest that Jack is wooing the girl , for instance .
9 But nine out of 10 said you should n't go all the way unless both you and the girl want to .
10 And the Wolf-Cub weeps to be chosen .
11 On either side was a revolving brush , and the bottles had to be thrust onto these and held firmly in place for about five seconds .
12 Nationalization was a pie in the sky , and the pie fell to the ground very soon .
13 This contained a variety of animals — fowl and sixty-three unspecified small birds — but before it could be served the platform supporting it gave way and the pie slipped to the ground .
14 The ladder was laid over the slimy surface of the marsh to the car , and the rope tossed to the three frightened men inside .
15 So now he could be caught behind the safety of the fence , and the rope attached to his headstall was no longer needed .
16 ‘ But the child you abducted was of six years of age and although the period of abduction was short and the child came to no harm , this was a crime , particularly now , of the most serious kind . ’
17 It is not easy to find enough foster parents to care for very difficult children ; all too often fostering breaks down and the child has to be returned again to the reception centre .
18 Only when the police and parents advertised the child 's disappearance was the mistake discovered and the child returned to her family .
19 Thus in Arizona , the Redwall Limestone of this age forms the steepest cliff in the Grand Canyon ( plate 1.9 ) , and the name refers to the red staining of the rock from the overlying Permo-Triassic red beds , just as in the Avon Gorge at Bristol , the topmost Carboniferous Limestone is reddened by the overlying Permo-Triassic deposits .
20 They might prefer to work out a general letter and simply insert the details such as where they saw the job advertised and the name given to the vacancy advertised .
21 And the question relates to boxing .
22 Their mere existence fascinated him — ‘ an old man was ’ — and the question addressed to the Leechgatherer : ‘ How is it that you live ? ’ is not really a question about sources of income .
23 Police are often delayed through having to seek permission to enter places such as shopping malls , and the law needs to be enforced in pubs and clubs .
24 Something has already been said as to the assignment of ordinary debts and ‘ choses in action' ; and the law relating to negotiable instruments — bills of exchange , cheques , and promissory notes — will be dealt with in the next chapter .
25 In addition , the department has responsibility for Commercial Law ( including Company Law and the law relating to financial services ) , Labour Law , Social Security , Taxation , International Private Law ( Conflict of Laws ) , Agricultural Law , Criminal Law , and Evidence ( civil and criminal ) .
26 I believe that these instances of hardship arise as a direct consequence of a range of Government policies such as the introduction of the student loan scheme , the decision to exclude students from various social security benefits — for example , housing and unemployment benefits — the Government 's attitude towards local authority financing with particular reference to local authority discretionary educational awards , the level of access funds that educational establishments have at their disposal and the problems relating to schemes such at the Government 's career development loan scheme .
27 Four weeks later at Avus he was back behind the controls , even through he hobbled to his car on crutches and had to be lifted into the cockpit and the pedals had to be modified because he could use only one foot .
28 ‘ That 's a lot of players needed from a small area and the net needs to be cast wider .
29 Despite the débâcle over the march , the rally had been a success and the DHAC returned to the Guildhall in late August for its largest and most successful demonstration so far , in the council chamber .
30 The power and the glory comes to Mersey festival
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