Example sentences of "and this [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , evidence was accumulating from the study of microorganisms that DNA might have some genetic effects , and this forced a reconsideration of its chemical structure .
2 If you simply start the next shot from here , you are left with an awkward pause and this spoils the effect of what has gone before .
3 This means a compromise must be sought depending on the use to which the polymer will be put , and this requires a knowledge of the mechanical response in detail .
4 In some programs files have to be inverted overnight and this requires the microcomputer to be switched on over a long period of time .
5 Besides this control through the finances of a department , new activity usually means more staff and this requires the sanction of the Treasury .
6 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
7 The planning authority has to assess the amount of land required for mineral working , and this requires an assessment of the future demand likely to be made on production in its area .
8 Only exhaust emission standards for hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide had earlier been set and this ignored the fact that if hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide were controlled , emissions of oxides of nitrogen increased .
9 These are intelligent , sophisticated , emotionally mature individuals rather than stock figures or caricatures and this lends the film a credibility it otherwise would n't have .
10 The children do not make a direct transition from structured signs into English written grammar ; in fact , they rely on structures in ASL they already know , and this forms the basis of their task solution of writing down English from sign users .
11 Note that the 100µ capacitor is of the electrolytic type so must be connected the correct way round — the body is marked with a ‘ - ’ sign and this identifies the orientation .
12 The average income in Allegheny West , for example , in 1980 was 35 per cent of the city average ( and this represented a decline on 1970 ) , yet house prices at sale were the highest in the city in 1983–84 .
13 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
14 The road passes by the chapel and is soon joined on the left by a road coming from Ingleton and this offers an opportunity for a brief detour to see Deepdale .
15 It was during the late 1770s that the long proposed Stroudwater canal became a reality and this signalled the start of a long war of words between the Company of Proprietors and the Purnells .
16 If a defending player has a loose lace and this touches the ball , may the attacking side drop for goal ?
17 It may be brine or alcohol and this turns the cheese into what one of my customers calls ‘ garage cheese ’ — smelly !
18 Selection of the group is from a pop-up menu and this produces a list of substances in the category , again requiring a selection to be made of an individual chemical .
19 He did not explain why , and this placed a distance between them .
20 A disastrous sugar beet harvest slashed its American contribution and this cut the group 's pre-tax total from £230.8m to £189.5m .
21 Direct responsibility for DMS policy in England and Wales was initially that of a panel ( a panel for Scotland remained separate for several years ) and this became a Board after the Committee for Arts and Social Studies was split in 1978 and a Committee for Business and Management Studies created — ; a decision which produced some controversy .
22 They persuaded their father to let them use it to eat their porridge and this became a habit with them .
23 Stokely Carmichael of the SNCC , one of the emerging radical leaders , summarized these ideas in a single phrase : " What we want , " he said , is " black power " , and this became the slogan of the more militant black movements from 1966 .
24 Because both test and control groups had been singled out for special attention a group pride had developed and this became the motivation for improved performance .
25 In 1875 Boston Spa College was purchased , and this became the nucleus of the present School .
26 However , at this point , the proposal that a computer index could be developed to improve the management of filing systems generally was considered worthwhile , and this became the focus of the early part of the study .
27 But people fought over their interpretation of the Revolution — and this became an issue of party strife in the next reigns .
28 But someone had built on a large extension to the rear and this housed the kitchen , which as Meredith was to discover , was large , modern and furbished it seemed with every kind of modern gadget .
29 And this echoed a letter of 1937 to Michael Roberts , extolling Ford and saying , ‘ The old crusted lice and advocates of corpse language knew that The English Review existed ’ .
30 Where the strain energy function exists thermodynamical considerations imply that ( and ) and this reduces the number of independent components to 21 for the case of lowest symmetry , that is , the triclinic crystal .
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