Example sentences of "and he be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And talking about next door , why is it that neighbours , just like friends , always seem to turn up unannounced when you and he are in the middle of the most flaming and spectacular row ?
2 ‘ Aziz is a shifty fellow , ’ Mr Malik had said , ‘ and he is on no account to be allowed near Hasan .
3 This sounds like a beg for someone to come in for him and I reckon Wilko 's phone will soon be ringing and he is on the way out .
4 But the procedure is not dangerous , and he is in no pain , we are told .
5 Injuries have interrupted his progress and he is in no mood to allow Beal to do likewise .
6 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke said of Mr Major : ‘ I am sure he will retain the leadership for many years to come and he is in the process of emerging from the Government 's present difficulties . ’
7 and he is in the pit there with it
8 The problem is this : if the accused 's intention is to rape and he is in the same position as in Brown with the top half of his body in the building , is his entry therein effective for the purposes of the rape form of burglary ?
9 I think we put the erm , report and the guarantee which we 've had from Rentakil in solicitor 's hands , and he is in the process of contacting Rentakil .
10 right , so , he is there as er Jean er has read to us , seated at the , at the father 's right hand , he 's there on the throne , but Paul also says , talks about erm in the last verse there which is his body the fullness of , the fullness of him through Jesus who feels all in all , by the holy spirit although the glorified resurrected body of Jesus is on the throne , by the holy spirit he is everywhere , that 's why he 's with you and he 's with me and he 's with a folk in Timbuktu and in Honolulu , he is every where by the holy spirit , so now thinking of his exhortation again , as the God man , Jesus now fully and always makes use of the divine powers and attributes that are his , all power belongs to him and it 's because that he says to his disciples you 're to go into all the world and I am with you because all power is mine , all power , all authority is given onto me , therefore says Jesus , because of that you can go because you 're going in my strength and in my authority .
11 There 's a little boy in the nursery , and the the nursery teacher says he 's he 's thick , for a , he 's four , and he 's with the younger ones , and she said he 's thick because , erm , he just ca n't be bothered , but what it is , he knows it ,
12 Get a two and he 's on a winner with !
13 He 's ranked No 2 in the world and he 's on the dole .
14 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
15 And he 's on the telephone since .
16 And he 's on the phone again . ’
17 I think he 's thirty eight , and he 's on the first team .
18 I ca n't understand that either , they ai n't getting no relief off of their poll tax and yet they 're , yet she 's not at work and he 's on the dole , and they still having to pay full whack .
19 And he 's on the racetrack !
20 And he 's on the game now .
21 That leaves Michael Portillo : fine , and he 's at the Treasury already , but he 's only 39 .
22 And he 's at the top of your list ? ’
23 Er Lewis and Ramprakash there , so the umpire 's view is somewhat impeded , Lawrence in from the pavilion end , bowls to , oh the full length , and he 's off the mark with four , steers that down to deep third man , there is no deep third man , and er he indulges in a little token trot to the other end , but no one was going to chase that or , or stop it by any stretch of imagination , four , the total a hundred and sixteen for three .
24 the rest of it 's like this here he runs into the water and he 's into the water like Him and Bobby used
25 And he 's in a special unit , you know , had a very unusual start to his life .
26 I have looked after my husband for seven years , he had a brain tumour operation nearly eight years ago , and he 's in a wheelchair he ca n't walk , but his , after the first two years of caring for him , he 's become bright enough to do the Daily Telegraph crossword , and so he 's er erm brain 's alright .
27 The milkman only ever knocks on the door to ask for his money when he 's two hours earlier than usual and he 's in a chirpy , joking and whistling mood — while you 've got an awful hangover and no loose change .
28 And he 's in a lot of films .
29 ‘ I saw him before , and he 's in the seat up there .
30 Aqib Javed does n't swing the ball like that pair — and he 's in the same team , using the same ball .
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