Example sentences of "and that she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
2 At Maastricht , Robertson argues , John Major has ‘ got to nobble that man Mitterrand ’ and inform him bluntly that Britain is not going the sign the treaty as it stands , and that she is fully prepared to take the political consequences , both in Europe and domestically .
3 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
4 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
5 Alamena , Boz 's wife , is making life difficult for her , telling her she 's not to leave the camp and that she 's too free and easy with everyone .
6 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
7 Recently , she had started thinking the future was hopeless and that she was no longer able to look after her husband and daughter properly .
8 He said it would right itself , and that she was basically okay .
9 Andrew dismounted , trying to ignore the fact that her body was maturing in a way which made his blood race , and that she was almost ripe for love-making .
10 He could sense that she was alive somewhere close , where the Men had taken her , and that she was very near her end ; nearer than she had been before .
11 And that she was originally being treated for injuries to her wrists .
12 She told me that she was wearing a blue hat and coat and that she was safely strapped in her pushchair .
13 I was talking about the club and and that she was there !
14 She had come through her sternest test , she had proven the singing budgie brigade was woefully wrong and that she was now ready to take her career into the even more rarefied atmosphere occupied by only a tiny handful of superstars .
15 To accept finally and irrevocably that there was no romance in her life , that romance was a deep killer , a consuming passion and that she was too tough a woman to be consumed .
16 The question seemed to her to be doubly hostile , implying both that the Prince was too short and that she was too tall .
17 I could n't quite believe that this was the same Steffi that I had read about in Tennis World and that she was actually there .
18 I then suggested that she take small steps , one at a time , further into the depths of the cupboard — remembering that this was all in her imagination and that she was still feeling totally relaxed .
19 Rosa thought of the Madonna , and thanked her , thanked her with a welling passion of gratitude such as even she had never felt towards her before that Tommaso had not taken advantage of her total willingness and that she was still intact — no one would be able to say anything against her.They could examine her if they wanted , those witches could paddle inside her to make sure .
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