Example sentences of "and that he [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The tradition referred to earlier that a surgeon had been required for the Empress , maintains that Garvine had to diagnose her illness without being allowed into her presence and that he treated her successfully .
2 " I remember that year Jimmy telling us that we had black players in South Africa , that they were reasonably good and that he thought they should have the chance to become members , " Bland explained .
3 Remembering my conversations with him at the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1976 , it was clear that he wanted fresh fields to conquer , that he thought he had more than proved himself as a racing driver and that he thought he could , with no great difficulty , follow a Bruce McLaren , for instance , and make his own way in cars of his own .
4 By demurring to that plea , the plaintiff admits that he had no cause of action against the defendant in the action therein mentioned , and that he knew it .
5 But would n't you feel a lot better if you knew that you 'd kicked him back — and that he knew it too ?
6 If pressed , most of us would say that he deepened our understanding of human nature , and that he made us aware that the mind of Man is complex and contradictory .
7 He , too , checked with the police and rang back to confirm that Derek had not been arrested and that he felt she must have made a mistake .
8 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
9 Yes , Arnold Thomas had done a bad thing in deserting him just when he needed him most , and he had been a rogue of the worst kind to have stolen money into the bargain ; but if he could only find his son , he would tell him that all was forgiven , and that he wanted him here , in his rightful place , at the helm of his father 's business .
10 She remembered her thoughts as he told her he was as shocked as her , and that he wanted it to continue … her heart skipped beats frantically .
11 He told her that he was well and that he missed her a lot .
12 She could not remember her dream , only that it had been about Edmund and that he loved her .
13 She had thought she loved him , and that he loved her , but now she wondered whether the only people they were capable of loving were themselves .
14 ‘ Only that she died and that he loved her .
15 ‘ That you are promiscuous , and that he jilted you , not you him , because he found you out . ’
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