Example sentences of "and that [pron] was not " in BNC.

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1 For a few days I was too cowardly to tell Shadwell of Pyke 's offer , and that I was not going to do the Moliere .
2 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
3 I assured her that all was as it seemed , and that I was not under suspicion of murder , and that I was indeed doing all I could to help the police .
4 I only know that it was years ago and that I was not , as I am now , a regular client .
5 Should a court be prevented from hearing and acting on evidence that , despite the lapse of a few hours , a defendant 's temperament was such that it is fair to say that he or she was provoked to lose self-control , and that it was not calculated revenge ?
6 Mr Wilcock told the bench that Mr Smith was not a cruel man , and that it was not his intention to cause his animals suffering .
7 ‘ We have always believed that Abu-Baker was assassinated and that it was not an ordinary robbery , ’ he said .
8 The Court of Appeal held that his dismissal was fair and that it was not vitiated by a failure to consult him over the reorganisation .
9 I knew this was muddled and that it was not quite what I wanted to say , but I felt better for saying it .
10 However , I received the impression that the society was more interested in a scheme for a new RUC complaints procedure and that it was not anticipated that it would be taking up the Black affair in a major way .
11 Much of the evidence , indeed , suggests that a substantial section of support for the WCTU came from the working class , and that it was not homogeneously white , Anglo-Saxon , Protestant , old middle class as Gusfield claims .
12 Rejected by Tawney ( 1912 ) , this has now been fully vindicated by Dr Kerridge , who has shown that the security conferred on the copyholder by the law was not inferior to that enjoyed by the freeholder , and that it was not a subject for dispute in the courts during the sixteenth century ‘ for the simple reason that the question had been settled long before ’ .
13 The contention was that a co-ordinated approach was needed towards the treatment of offenders , and that it was not appropriate for the Home Secretary 's responsibilities for prisoners to be on a different basis from his other responsibilities .
14 The best known example of this is Liversidge v. Anderson in which the majority of the House of Lords found that the phrase ‘ reasonable cause to believe ’ in wartime emergency legislation would be complied with provided that the Secretary of State acted on what he thought to be such a reasonable cause , and that it was not necessary for there to be objective facts to support this .
15 Sweenie , the majority held that there must be some force to constitute rape and that it was not rape , therefore , to have sexual intercourse with a sleeping woman .
16 However , he should be able to argue that the hymen was ruptured during and as a consequence of intercourse and that it was not deliberately ruptured with the aim of having sexual intercourse .
17 One wonders whether the explanation of this may be that the Parliamentary draftsmen immediately after the Union were English lawyers , and that it was not until well on in the nineteenth century that Scottish draftsmen came to draft bills applicable to Scotland and the spelling ‘ Burgh ’ was adopted in Statutes applying to Scotland .
18 The results from the experiment showed that , when pointing , adaptation to prismatic distortion of a target did occur and that it was not due to any learned mechanism .
19 The basic differences between them in respect of their value to architectural study is that Ostia was occupied and developed over a much longer period , from the fourth century B.C. to the third century A.D. , and that it was not a provincial city but the port of Rome and , as such , became more important , as is evidenced by its buildings .
20 The auditors said in their certificate that they had used one " methodology " rather than another and that it was not clear from the clause in the lease which methodology they should use .
21 She felt that it was n't children 's job or children 's responsibility to look after the world , it was our job , and that it was not fair to make children feel responsible for doing that erm I mean that seems to me to be a legitimate viewpoint and erm but it 's one of many and I mean other people may feel that in order to save the planet , or indeed prevent wars in the future , it is important to expose children to the dangers of , you know , the current situation .
22 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
23 ‘ Bumface came here to tell me that he was going to fight the War Office and that he was not having the WO Instruction for me to report forthwith to the Ski Battalion at Bordon .
24 Thirdly , he was concerned about the possibility that his faith was merely an intellectual understanding coupled with a fear of God , and that he was not truly regenerate .
25 They both understood that this was a formality and that he was not thought to be ‘ ill ’ .
26 ( Incidentally , during the Fontainebleau conference Ho had called on the US Ambassador in Paris to assure him that he and his party aspired to independence in the French Union and that he was not a communist . )
27 During 1918 they met principally at Lord Derby 's breakfasts , from which Baldwin recorded impressions and interchanges which indicate both that the Prime Minister was a near stranger to him and that he was not above a little daring toadying .
28 He was concerned that they were getting stuck in a rut and that he was not getting much creative thinking , though his company needed innovation for survival .
29 In a speech at the launch of the ss Trevethoe in February 1913 he took the opportunity publicly to declare that he was in favour of a conciliation board , and that he was not alone in this conviction .
30 I seem to recall that a gentleman called T. Dan Smith was also involved at that time and that he was not a Conservative .
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