Example sentences of "and i [verb] it be " in BNC.

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1 Eleni , and I go it is Eleni , and he goes , oh yeah , it must be Eleni .
2 She wants a family ; I 've heard her say so , and she 'll have a family , and I hope it 's a big one , ten , twelve …
3 And I 'm sure you do n't want a long speech but I 've tried to prepare something , and I hope it 's all right .
4 I assume this has happened to everybody , so apologies , and I hope it 's not confusing .
5 We 've now moved on in part of question your question five B and erm in my response to that I 'm suggesting , and I hope it 's not just semantics , picking up the point made just before we broke for coffee , is that there 's all sorts of things called the countryside , and this policy is is directed at the open countryside .
6 We have an infrastructure that 's been built up over twenty years so er and you 've read our brochure and I hope it 's it was as impressive to you as it is to most people .
7 This group places extremely high priority on the abatement of noise pollution and I hope it 's something we can all support .
8 Yesterday Coun Fishwick said : ‘ This is a first class idea for Darlington and I hope it 's going to turn into an annual event . ’
9 All right then and I hope it 's all calmed down by then as well .
10 The fact that they have been asked to continue until the next World Cup makes good common sense and I hope it is a sign that at long last someone at the top is finally making the right decisions .
11 Although we have been going there for 10 years the excitement of seeing all our friends will never ever die and I hope it is going to stay a good , clean Holiday site for many years .
12 I 'll repeat what I said chairman , and I hope it was helpful that in terms of er er demand , I think all sectors would indicate that there is erm er demand er development demand , marked demand erm right the way er around Greater York .
13 but the Principal of the Technical Institute at Lowestoft was quite a character , a Mrs , a Miss G C and I remember it was the day after the erm , the bombing and the building was pretty well devastated and er Miss rung up and said , she 'd got an idea she said erm how about hiring a bus , a double-decker bus , I could have my classes in the bus and erm
14 And I remember it was a a one lot was a a .
15 All of the grooms , except one who was asleep on some hay bales , had chosen not to sit in the car with their charges , and I imagined it was because of Leslie Brown 's daunting presence : racing lads on the whole felt a companionable devotion to their horses , and I would have expected more of them to be sitting on the hay bales during the day .
16 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
17 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
18 And your choice if you do n't find money to , I think not one of ceasing the service , but finding offsetting savings elsewhere , and I mean it 's a matter of there is a required service , it is there , there is an agreement with the health authority that neither party would , will withdraw funding without detailed con consultation and determination of how needs would be met .
19 there 's no , there 's no er sources to it and I mean it 's just like
20 and I mean it 's like
21 Well you see i i yeah but it 's a bigger country and I mean it 's so congested in England .
22 And I mean it 's , it 's a lot of money in n it ?
23 And I mean it 's not easy at the moment any way , is it ?
24 And granddad does n't li want people to see him sort of you know when he has to get up and walk about and go to the loo with the door open and I mean it 's not so bad for us because we 're all related but it 's awful for You know I mean I ca n't imagine Jody or Jessica or Alison or anybody liking it very much .
25 And I mean it is your sort of second home , and the guys that you work with every every week , I mean sort of become , I mean it 's a bit of a cliche to say , but I mean part of a family that you living out there that you live with out there and it is a real I mean when you think of the number that was lost , I mean there were a lot of close friends involved in it .
26 But even so , I mean I took a , like a two or three year old on it and I mean it is it 's a nightmare !
27 And I mean it was er I accept that it 's hardly that that Russia perhaps was intervening in the interests of er of of erm of of of of er Russian policy in that area .
28 You know , I catered for my father who was disabled and I mean it was nay till I was much older , oh he is disabled !
29 And I mean it was a difficult start , and I was in fact a junior detective for five and a half years before any alteration was made in the staff , there was no promotions or leaving so that as junior detective for five and a half years , I got all jobs that nobody else wanted
30 I was out with erm an nephew la last night and I mean it was n't icy but it was sort of getting late and it was cold .
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