Example sentences of "and i [verb] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 interview , that we did n't have erm much sort of inroads with the the young Caribbean community or the Rastafarian community , but erm you know I have spoken to one or two , and I remember speaking to one who said , that they had gone after a warehouse somewhere .
2 In the book I quote a letter from my father when I was at Cambridge , and I remember talking to my father about the National Gallery as early as 1928 .
3 And I remember saying to Schwimmer at one point , what are you going to do , have a caravan of 707s for those Hawks of yours ?
4 And I remember saying to him , but you can only get twelve Hawks on a 707 …
5 ‘ She was sitting in the back of this car , all dressed up , and I remember saying to her , ‘ You do n't have to do this , you know ’ .
6 Elwood lived with his parents on Ross Street West , and I remember going to his house one day in late June when he had just completed his high school training to offer him a job at CHAB .
7 He was a follower of Sham 69 and I remember going to a concert of theirs at the LSE and almost getting beaten up by skinheads .
8 And I remember going to er Road School for a month and we caught ringworms there .
9 Sandy was already in the side , and I got talking to him again , Calero was struggling , and I said I might not have a bag for the Ryder Cup .
10 I do n't like not having enough money and I do n't like not having enough sex and I detest the way the children dress and I detest going to your mother 's every week and I loathe the way you clench your teeth and I loathe the way you never help and I hate the way you never ask but I love you
11 My theory has always been that since Martin and I loathe losing to one another at games , this burns off any other rivalry between us .
12 And I kept saying to her , I need summat else .
13 And I keep thinking to myself well something will come along , something 'll happen , but I I think what it is there is no jobs round here at the moment .
14 what I would like and I 'm sure it happens with the previous C P O er and I have been notified by telephone and I keep saying to them let me know , but I would like probably a memo from each C P O to say that there is a meeting on this particular night .
15 My grass roots were general practice and I liked talking to people and solving problems , but as you get promoted within a firm you lose that personal contact .
16 When I was young she used to come up to my mother 's for a cup o' tea ; and I liked talking to the old lady .
17 And I started waving to you
18 Later that day , during the play-hour , I found Burns alone by the fire-side , reading the same book as before , and I started talking to her .
19 Now the funny thing about it , when I took metallurgy I got , I , I got all this process I knew all about it you know , and er I had it the theory explained to me then , but er I was in the Bell one day about twenty years ago and an old boy came in and I started talking to him and he says , I bet you do n't know what I am ?
20 Anyway , so I , I was getting a bit worried about it , and , I can , cos I was having these headaches , and I started talking to Phil and I , I had n't really said much to him about it .
21 I enjoy a night out and drink every week and I love going to restaurants and generally enjoying myself .
22 no , so we did n't have an invite I know , I mean normally I 'm taken every year you know , there , to see the old time musical which is great and I look forward to that but cos I did n't get , get there and I love going to Leah Manning as I say we have dancing there on a Wednesday afternoon it 's great , I enjoy it ever so much and I meet all my friends there that I have n't seen for years , you know , that I used to go to clubs with and they 've all arrived there now you know it 's great to see them , I thoroughly enjoy it .
23 ‘ I 'm doing all this because I believe in Labour and I love talking to people on doorsteps , finding out what matters to them .
24 ‘ My husband and I enjoy going to the theatre , Agatha Christie novels , outdoor walks and picnics , and eating in restaurants .
25 Thus I was , albeit subconsciously , prepared for his death , and I recall saying to my mother when she broke the , news one morning that " I thought something like this might happen . "
26 I remember there was a period when no-one was speaking to anyone and I recall going to the island of Mustique and being there a few weeks just before the final split .
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