Example sentences of "and for [pron] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And for him to have a pain ‘ in his foot ’ is the same , except that ‘ his foot ’ takes the place of ‘ the table ’ .
2 The purpose of this meeting would be for you to gain an insight into the qualities of the [ Name ] management and for them to gain an understanding of how you would propose to manage the group .
3 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
4 This would enable Hongkong Bank to avoid paying a packet for goodwill and for it to remain a Hongkong bank while Midland remained British .
5 The hon. Member for Dagenham wants not only to recreate a GLC but , as my hon. Friend the Member for Harrow , West said , for it to be bigger and for it to control the police , which the old GLC never did .
6 He goes on : ‘ Since these costs … would have to be paid by a grant … and since a grant of above £10 million requires affirmative resolution [ and thus debate ] in the House , it seems there are two choices : to cap the BAe grant at £9.5 million ; or set the ceiling at £13.5 million and for you to accept the greater risk of challenge and thus repayment being required . ’
7 We pray for an end to strife in Somalia , and for You to help the food and medicine to be brought to those who need it .
8 The first little bit of time is spent just to sort of take it easy , take our time , get to know another , and for us to assess the drive .
9 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
10 ‘ It 's really down to the British Government to sort it out now and for us to keep the pressure up on them .
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