Example sentences of "and it must be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it must be stopped . ’
2 So the sacrifice will be more formal than real , and it will be in the general interest , and it must be made .
3 There would be those who remembered the newspaper insertion , and it must be made clear to the public that she was married , not taken back out of charity .
4 The whiskey has to be aged for at least two years in charred new oak barrels ; it must have at least 40 per cent alcohol by volume and it must be made from a minimum of 51 per cent corn .
5 The speaker should feel comfortable with the lectern 's height and it must be positioned so that he can see his notes .
6 To all this is added ( and it must be emphasised that Catholicism has always been in the ascendancy ) , a healthy input from the Jewish fraternity whose civic and educational emphasis greatly increases the town 's well-being , albeit from a proportionately tiny community .
7 Coir must be watered differently and it must be fed after three to four weeks instead of the six to eight weeks recommended for peat .
8 The USSR need not , in that cavalier phrase , believe she could ‘ fight and win ’ a nuclear war to retain the orientation she has acquired : nuclear war is ‘ thinkable ’ ; it is , in principle , survivable ; and it must be conducted as war — which is to say , as a continuation of policy .
9 Of course architects are human and it must be seen that such an approach is liable to make the architect a pariah figure , unbeloved of the society in which his creations are set .
10 Its actions and policies are formed by local as well as national events , and it must be seen as both an agent of , and an obstacle to , central government .
11 And it must be seen to work well , which requires the system to be transparent enough for public scrutiny to take place .
12 Thus stylistic dating needs to be used with great care , and it must be accepted that the results it can give are not particularly secure .
13 Underneath all that razzmatazz , the girls sneaked aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach or into his room in Guaruja , there was a man of some sensitivity who felt that both fame and sexual prowess had somehow been thrust upon him ; I think he found both hard to resist , and it must be acknowledged that a chauvinistic British press , his looks , his celebrity and his companions made it hard for him to do anything else than accept the role thrust upon him .
14 The surface must not be touched and it must be stored in a cool dry place away from electrical equipment because it is magnetic .
15 In the early 1980s an estimated 228,000 Jordanian nationals worked in the Gulf and it must be assumed that East Bank Palestinians , with a large number of dependants on the East Bank , are a majority of these .
16 But these are not precise antonyms , and it must be borne in mind that the purpose of the use of the word is to stigmatise certain types of behaviour as criminal .
17 These exceptional cases apart ( and it must be recalled that they are not really examples of the situation under discussion ) , it has been seen that there is no good ground for arguing that the doctor breaches his duty to his patient when respecting the patient 's wishes to be left to die .
18 There may be only brief glimpses of the rabbit and it must be shot quickly and accurately or the opportunity is lost .
19 The Ambassador , Count Benedetti , had been personally informed by the Emperor that ‘ … the candidacy of the Prince of Hohenzollern is anti-national , the country will not put up with it , and it must be prevented ’ .
20 I know that you are brave enough to do it , and it must be done . ’
21 Ministers should take on board this message from those of us who speak for people with whom we come into contact in our day-to-day work : something must be done about victimisation , and it must be done quickly .
22 This must not be taken too far and it must be done with thought for the project leader 's attitudes .
23 and it must be transmitted on
24 What I will say is that good art education is vital to the future and it must be based upon an analytical study of anatomy and perspective . ’
25 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
26 And it must be said that while there has been a greater interest in ferreting and in the shooting side of rabbiting the netting interest has declined .
27 The work of Abrams and Marsden ( 1986 ) strikingly , and it must be said depressingly , confirms the impression given by earlier studies .
28 Once the connection is made ( and it must be said at this point that the parallel connection is far and away the faster of the two possibles ) a program rejoicing in the highly descriptive name of ‘ FX ’ must be run at either end of the link .
29 Certainly the raw readings are low , and it must be said here that the last significant figure was obtained by estimating a proportion of a division on the scale .
30 But what I will say — and it must be said because in Australia it has been put about that I sacked Middleton — Middleton , sadly , sacked himself .
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