Example sentences of "and it is [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 The RMCs were seen as perhaps the major vehicle for such provision and it is encouraging that they are beginning to make a substantial contribution by developing a wide range of in-service short courses and workshops , which in some areas are showing signs of laying the foundation for longer qualification-based programmes .
2 And it is encouraging that the Chancellor has listened to the message from the industry .
3 I did , and came to the conclusion that it was the best sauce for lobster ever invented ; and it is extraordinary that it has remained for so long buried in the cookery books .
4 This is largely financial information and it is helpful that investors also understand what the management is like , etc .
5 The same ‘ conversational ’ blank verse is used in much of The Prelude and it is noticeable that after Coleridge 's influence lessened ( during the next decade ) Wordsworth 's blank verse begins to revert to eighteenth-century and Miltonic mannerisms .
6 These are discussed by J. Milroy ( 1983 ) , and it is noticeable that many of these features , such as w for wh ( in words of the type what , which ) , have reflexes in later English pronunciation .
7 With the present depressed economic climate , economic rather than social costs tend to be stressed and it is noticeable that even though accounting is masked in its own technical language it can have quite profound consequences in the political sphere .
8 The deaths of only eighty-one men of Hampshire at the battle of Æthelingadene in 1001 does not suggest fighting on a large scale , and it is noticeable that the same raiders shortly afterwards attacked Exeter and were repulsed .
9 The dramatic fall in turnover can clearly be seen in Figure 11.3 , and it is noticeable that turnover had not reached pre-crash levels by the end of 1989 .
10 For indeed they are not , and it is understandable that they should have been made .
11 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
12 That maintenance was continued so long is probably due to the fact that Gordon Thomas , its instigator , had by this time become General Manager of the Grand Junction Company , and it is understandable that he would have been reluctant to preside over the disintegration of the lift , his most original and spectacular achievement .
13 Although there is room for improvement in the way the programme is managed ( more involvement of aid recipients , a more flexible approach to reporting requirements ) , the Russian environment has proved particularly difficult to deal with and it is understandable that Tacis needs time to adjust .
14 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
15 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
16 In earlier life he had been in Canada and it is certain that at least some youthful potential emigrants to Canada were inspired by his accounts of life there .
17 And it is certain that the development of level three partnerships is dependent upon not just a rethinking by the sector partners but by government and its role in education and training — a process which has undoubtedly begun , but in a fitful way and without truly fundamental thinking .
18 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
19 Robert III may have been born in Dundonald Castle and it is certain that he spent much of his life there before he became king .
20 Irish teams do tour well and it is certain that the new assistant coach Gerry Murphy will improve the quality of Ireland 's back play .
21 Strictly speaking Orwell 's book is perhaps less an allegory than a conte philosophique like Voltaire 's Candide or Samuel Johnson 's Rasselas ; Swift 's Gulliver 's Travels is not far off here either , as a source , and it is certain that Orwell profoundly admired Swift , as Waugh admired Voltaire .
22 Apollinaire , however , remained personally most intimate with Picasso , and it is certain that the literary circle which surrounded Picasso , and which included Max Jacob and Pierre Reverdy , was more advanced than that around Gleizes and Metzinger , whose closest friends , men like Mercereau and Nayral , belonged to the circle of Paul Fort and the older generation of Symbolists .
23 Undoubtedly the risings were connected with each other in so far as the news of the initial outbreak in Essex seems to have sparked off further unrest in adjacent counties , and later in more remote parts , and it is certain that the general circumstances of the time created an atmosphere which was ripe for revolt , but the differences of aim among the different groups of rebels suggest that each had its own grievances which it hoped to right by force .
24 Our knowledge of this is patchy , and it is certain that the quantity of trade is not a precise reflection of the prosperity of English shipping , as many exports were carried in foreign vessels .
25 His career was not without its less attractive moments , and it is sad that many fans will remember the famous picture in the 1981 Wisden of him kicking down the stumps after having an appeal refused in New Zealand almost as readily as they will recall his wonderful bowling ; yet even in dissent he was physically graceful , and the picture is positively balletic .
26 Such prevention is in the province of every citizen and every politician , and it is sad that the political appeal of ‘ getting cancer licked ’ can divert extensive resources to activities of doubtful value .
27 Hedgerows are an important source of protection for flora and fauna , and it is sad that the Government have not dealt with that situation in a positive and effective way .
28 None of us knows what happened on that occasion , and it is sad that the participants can not remember , either .
29 That must have direct effect on education standards , and it is legitimate that Her Majesty 's inspectorate should comment on it .
30 Besterman claimed that he was largely self-educated at the British Museum library and it is typical that his first separate publication should have been a bibliography of the well-known theosophist Annie Besant [ q.v. ] ( 1924 ) .
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