Example sentences of "and then [vb base] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Four pound for visitors only seem to come and then disappear not many of them seem to join us .
2 You walk to it along the foot of the gorge , through tunnels at one point , and then climb about twelve pitches that are never harder than HVS .
3 With flow production he or she will have to anticipate model changes in order to ensure that the firm is invited to quote at the outset , and then follow up this quotation in the expectation of securing an order which will be fulfilled over the life of the product .
4 and then put about two tablespoons on each time and stand back .
5 He trained a bee to come to a particular source ( black in the fig. ) ; and then put out seven similar food sources at various distances from the hive .
6 As we saw last month , the row you are knitting is five rows down inside the card reader so , to mark the card , locate the row on which you want to change colour , and then count up five ( not including the row on which you want to change colour ) and mark the card .
7 Leave for an hour or until the stain fades and then wash as normal .
8 He could not forget that Blackbeard had arrived on the scene sweating and then become coldly murderous in his need to get the wallet back .
9 and then they grow up later , you know , and then become really responsible .
10 To generate this distribution of viscous stress , the mean velocity profile must rise steeply at the wall and then become comparatively flat .
11 As a starting point in our treatment of such systems we shall develop a model of an ideal solution and then show how real or non-ideal solutions deviate from this model .
12 My grandfather taught me necessary skills : how to tip my tea into my saucer and blow waves across it until it was cool enough to drink ; how to cut an orange in half crossways and pack a sugar lump into each half and then suck out orange-juice and sugar together ; how to walk along the crazy-paving garden path without stepping On any of the cracks or a tiger would get you ; how to butter the loaf and then clutch it to your chest and then shave off paper-thin slices ; what saint to pray to when you woke up at night and saw the devil moving behind the curtains .
13 Our first priority must therefore be to work towards achieving a common understanding about the aims of in class support teaching , and then draw up clear guidelines about the implications of those aims in terms of our classroom practice .
14 As part of its work the EPRG is anxious to construct , and then make widely available to interested parties , an inventory of all case-control studies that are in progress across Europe and that are designed to investigate possible associations between particular conditions and prior exposure to medicinal products .
15 A spore which lands on wood with a moisture content of 20–25 per cent in a still and stuffy atmosphere where the temperature is between 7° and 27$C ( 44$ and 80$F ) can germinate and then throw out hollow strands known as hyphae .
16 If their heads protrude , pare them down with a chisel , and then drill slightly smaller than the peg diameter , and drill out the peg ( use a depth gauge so you do n't go right through the leg ) .
17 and then set up this aluminium plumbing
18 For instance , the terms might start with a list of definitions , and then set out any provisions relating to the formation and scope of the contract .
19 Can use word cards or word bank/folder to construct and then copy out simple sentences
20 This they can not do , mainly because they take out of context the parental characteristics they are studying and then average out all fluctuations over time and situation .
21 Do n't worry about going out there to give the greatest performance of any particular speech and then come away depressed because you know you 've done it badly .
22 A few years ago I saw a couple of Eastenders stars come in erm and Ross whatever his name forget his name there were two young girls standing in front of me scraping pennies out of their purse to get in though we loved that character they wanted to come that night we 've got to get girls like that youngsters like that interested to come on other nights and then come again that 's what needs doing . .
23 He saw the blade go in and then come out gleaming red with his blood .
24 So , charity workers , up and down the country are asking you to put your feet up after London , take a rest and then come back eager to set new personal bests on the road/track and to raise more cash for the needy .
25 All 650 men in the battalion were divided into teams of five , which had to run 100 metres and then shoot down twelve metal plate targets , four teams against each other at a time .
26 Seemed an odd move to sell him and then pay out such big amounts for Wallace and Rocky over the next 2 years .
27 ‘ I would play for about one hour and then have about half an hour fitness training .
28 Erm and then see how many we 'd got .
29 And we 're gon na throw you out and then see how much money we can get for you ?
30 Perhaps Mr. Shelford should speak to some of the players in our sport who have been seriously injured by high tackles and then see how tough he feels ?
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