Example sentences of "and then [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 And then what did he say ? "
2 Yes and then what did he or you then do ?
3 ‘ Well , er , and then we ask him to let us be left alone in the quarry . ’
4 Yeah but like think about it , first , I mean the first couple of tapes of people like saying oh yeah , so then we had sex , and then we gave him a blow job !
5 What happened was there was a burglar and er they went downstairs and they him over the head and then they put him a chair and they got the and he goes , what shall we , what shall we wrap him up in ?
6 You know chuck him out right , the whole of the bloody lesson but you , you 're not allowed to do that and then they chuck him out again .
7 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
8 And then she reproached him and turned into a dragon , and flew away round the battlements making a terrible noise and battering the stones .
9 And then she saw him talking to Edward and Jean Powers and then someone had mislaid their glass and she had to find another and then there was the problem of the Taylors and old Mrs Phipson .
10 And then she saw he was not alone .
11 They married in a great hurry and then she told him that by marrying she 'd lost her 50 a year !
12 For the length of a heartbeat his tall figure remained stiff and unyielding , and then she heard him swear harshly under his breath , and felt his strong arms enfolding her trembling figure .
13 And then she felt him move away and she lifted her head and saw that he was going towards the door .
14 And then she kissed him .
15 She let him kiss her , his tongue on hers , and then she eased him on across the field , her arm curved closely round his waist .
16 And then she wants him to go to bed after he gets hyper in n it ?
17 But he could n't control it , for all his knowledge , and it would lift his hair into bristles so that he looked like Desperate Dan and she could n't help but laugh until his fragile ego wobbled and then he shouted and then she loved him more , more than when he was intact .
18 And then he told him clever , amusing stories about the women that he himself had loved .
19 The sting was no longer there and then he knew he had to make the confession which would herald the end for them .
20 They bought out , this company have bought out a new tile and he said they 're looking for a sort of nice house to have as a sort of a show house and then he thinks he 'll get them for nothing .
21 and it was in quite a big space , I could off got in behind him and then changed if I 'd reversed in but when I saw this other chap sat in his car and then he indicated he wanted to pull out , so I let him go
22 And he stood and listened to this for a while and then he thought he was delayed long enough so he set off home .
23 I think if you went and saw our own doctors a lot of our fears would be allayed because most of the young doctors would n't , would recommend to you , my own doctor asked me all the questions and different things and then he says he 's a young doctor , he says if I were a women and if I 'd answered all the questions as you did , I would go on H R T.
24 He can come through Foxhall like and he , he 'd had to speed up he says and then he says he did n't carry on , like .
25 And then he said he was satisfied with the service .
26 and then he had he 'd only had a couple I think before he went home but he does n't drink much see .
27 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
28 Yeah and we 've seen some different erm they had I think it was actually waiver paper as well when Murdoch bought it , and for a while he honoured the political content and then he decided he was gon na do major changes , and this may all sound familiar to you but erm the effect that that had I mean not only on the , on the , on the end up being this side , but also on erm the Mirror because it meant that Page Three Girls were in on the Daily Record in Scotland erm it was , it was quite profound I mean there 's a broader argument here as to whether you you should get pampered to those possible denominator to taste erm it 's interesting that the Daily Sport and the Sunday Sport which are two I do n't know if they have anything like it in Japan , but they 're a bit like the National Enquirer erm it 's all made up baseball there 's a sad proportion of erm journalist stories of fantasy land stuff erm along with erm photographic content and er copy content which probably
29 oh about six weeks I think he was on er and then he decided he was well enough to go back to his
30 But like he goes on on and on , do n't he about how wonderful Susan is and then you know he gets drunk and that 's it is n't it ?
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