Example sentences of "and then [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The aim of this research is to establish in precisely which respects this characterisation may be true and then to explain why such a pattern has emerged .
2 Has charm , but worries too much — the sort of person who locks the back door and then goes back three times to check .
3 She went pale , and then coloured up red .
4 Four pound for visitors only seem to come and then disappear not many of them seem to join us .
5 You walk to it along the foot of the gorge , through tunnels at one point , and then climb about twelve pitches that are never harder than HVS .
6 He 's probably getting them all in and then sending out all the replies , just speak into that .
7 Maud took out the pillow , untucked the counterpane , folded away three fine woollen blankets and a crocheted shawl , and then lifted out one feather mattress and another , and a straw palliasse .
8 With flow production he or she will have to anticipate model changes in order to ensure that the firm is invited to quote at the outset , and then follow up this quotation in the expectation of securing an order which will be fulfilled over the life of the product .
9 And then looked up some more .
10 He came forward , searching out safe lodgements for his feet , and then looked up thick spectacles . ’
11 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
12 He counted the night 's takings , swept the floor and then got really upset when he discovered that all his beer mats had been stolen .
13 ‘ I hope so , too ! ’ uttered Theda fervently , and then realised how this must sound .
14 and then put about two tablespoons on each time and stand back .
15 He trained a bee to come to a particular source ( black in the fig. ) ; and then put out seven similar food sources at various distances from the hive .
16 As we saw last month , the row you are knitting is five rows down inside the card reader so , to mark the card , locate the row on which you want to change colour , and then count up five ( not including the row on which you want to change colour ) and mark the card .
17 Leave for an hour or until the stain fades and then wash as normal .
18 He could not forget that Blackbeard had arrived on the scene sweating and then become coldly murderous in his need to get the wallet back .
19 and then they grow up later , you know , and then become really responsible .
20 To generate this distribution of viscous stress , the mean velocity profile must rise steeply at the wall and then become comparatively flat .
21 And then summoning up all her courage , listened to Marx continue .
22 Von Frisch trained a scout bee to come to a source , and then placed out new sources at equal distances from the hive , but only one at the same direction as the original .
23 As a starting point in our treatment of such systems we shall develop a model of an ideal solution and then show how real or non-ideal solutions deviate from this model .
24 My grandfather taught me necessary skills : how to tip my tea into my saucer and blow waves across it until it was cool enough to drink ; how to cut an orange in half crossways and pack a sugar lump into each half and then suck out orange-juice and sugar together ; how to walk along the crazy-paving garden path without stepping On any of the cracks or a tiger would get you ; how to butter the loaf and then clutch it to your chest and then shave off paper-thin slices ; what saint to pray to when you woke up at night and saw the devil moving behind the curtains .
25 The story of how journalist Mike Sullivan broke into Leyhill Open Prison in Gloucestershire dressed as a prisoner , stayed there the night , and then escaped again fifteen hours later .
26 A Scottish lord told King James that Andrewes ‘ did play with his text as a jackanapes does , who takes up a thing and tosses and plays with it and then takes up another and plays with it .
27 Our first priority must therefore be to work towards achieving a common understanding about the aims of in class support teaching , and then draw up clear guidelines about the implications of those aims in terms of our classroom practice .
28 In an interval of 20 minutes , a pair of loops intersected , brightened and then re-formed as two parallel structures with the release of about joules as heated thermal plasma .
29 As part of its work the EPRG is anxious to construct , and then make widely available to interested parties , an inventory of all case-control studies that are in progress across Europe and that are designed to investigate possible associations between particular conditions and prior exposure to medicinal products .
30 Although of older pedigree , the modern law of confidence developed in the nineteenth century and then lay relatively dormant until the middle of the twentieth century .
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