Example sentences of "and could [not/n't] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The Labour Party began its own Book Service at the end of 1939 in an attempt to provide the alternative , but its efforts were hindered by the war and could not attract a fraction of the readership achieved by the Left Book Club .
2 A southern Italian , he had taught up until now in a village near Naples and could not speak a word either of Slovene or of Triestino .
3 They had only about one hundred and fifty yards to gather speed and could not achieve a full gallop in the time .
4 A second patient , who presented with anaemia , lived alone and in poor social circumstances and could not manage a gluten free diet .
5 If Mr Major lost his majority and could not do a deal with another party , would he be entitled as Prime Minister to request a dissolution and a second election ?
6 At one point , John decided that he wanted to learn about music , although in fact he newer acquired much technical knowledge of the subject , and could not read a score .
7 He disliked the exploitation , and could not suppress a colonialist guilt .
8 Your name ? ’ so fast that Creggan had to circle to keep him in sight , and could not keep a clear eye on the other one approaching from above .
9 Her GP was called on February 6 and could not hear a heartbeat .
10 Such exploitation was compounded by the fact that their tenants obtained only low wages and insecure employment and could not afford a rent which would provide a sufficiently large return to keep the houses in good repair .
11 Unfortunately , Mr Clewes fell sick and could not find a replacement driver .
12 At breakfast I completely wrecked my egg while clumsily trying to open it — egg all over , nice and sticky — and could not cut a single soldier without upsetting the plate .
13 The SDP did not and could not have a good war .
14 Built in 1540 , these lovely red-brick stables have been loaned to the Horse Rangers by grace and favour since 1964 , and could not have a better tenant than this exclusive voluntary organisation — exclusive that is to children who do not have their own horses and ponies .
15 ‘ This JCR notes that there are already enough ‘ women ’ who look like men at Somerville , and could n't give a flying toss if they get any more . ’
16 It was well trussed up by now , and could n't move a finger .
17 She claimed Union President Christopher Hall , who was dressed in a multi-coloured clown suit , was ‘ completely plastered and could n't string a sentence together ’ .
18 I went to walk on Sunday evening with my daughter round the estate , and I came back and could n't get a , a breath when I came in panicked and it was a f it was a horrible feeling .
19 God was something that you glimpsed in only your rarest moments , and could n't put a name to .
20 ‘ I spent ages crawling around the hotel 's foundations and could n't find a way out .
21 We began at Bakewell , the central town of the Peaks , where we visited the 14th Century church to see its celebrated collection of mediaeval monuments , did some souvenir shopping and could n't resist a genuine Bakewell Pudding before going to nearby Chatsworth , the ‘ Palace of the Peak ’ .
22 We began at Bakewell , the central town of the Peaks , where we visited the 14th Century church to see its celebrated collection of mediaeval monuments , did some souvenir shopping and could n't resist a genuine Bakewell Pudding before going on to nearby Chatsworth , the ‘ Palace of the Peak ’ .
23 I 'd driven over , and could n't believe a country so beautiful could harbour such violence as I was to see then and year after year ever since .
24 Read the paper and could n't remember a word of it .
25 ‘ I looked at the walls in the Goldie boathouse and saw the names of all the crews and could n't see a cox with three wins on the trot .
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