Example sentences of "and all [art] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I know , because after the war ended , and all the telephones went dead , my father , my brother Joseph and Cousin David went in the truck to find out what was happening , and the first place they went was Ogdentown .
2 Limewashing began in October and all the houses had to be finished by the end of February , as many would then have the heat turned up to set their inmates into growth .
3 It had been taken out once and all the plates cracked , and the mirrors .
4 Each covenant is looked at in the light of the people , the business or the profession and all the circumstances involved .
5 Then there were no permanent senior residents in the department as now , and all the housemen had to double-up as C.O.s [ Casualty Officers ] here and housemen in the wards .
6 He was unaware that 20 of the 21 clauses and all the schedules had nothing to do with Scotland .
7 We had a grand switch-on with cameras from Yorkshire Television recording the moment for their regional magazine programme , Calendar , and all the newspapers covered it , too .
8 He said : ‘ There was a huge noise like thunder and all the lights went out .
9 Then a woman screamed , and all the lights came on again .
10 On another famous occasion , Clara , stark naked , drying herself in her cubicle , caught sight of her own image in the wet tiled floor : " Good God , " she cried out , " just look at me , how weird I look from underneath , " and all the girls had cried out , " Ssh , ssh , Clara , somebody might be listening .
11 when you were going out and the had stopped and all the girls had a you know , the ordinary paper bag with a got their shoes in there .
12 ‘ I had a beautiful green crinoline dress and all the ladies wore white mop caps , ’ she said of her role as Polly Peacham .
13 What , and all the mares got burnt ?
14 I felt like the moon , the stars and all the planets had fallen on me … boys , if you ever pray , pay for me now .
15 When word of the Everqueen 's presence was known , a great cheer went up from the army , and all the warriors gained new heart .
16 The ‘ Load of Old Rubbish ’ team and ‘ Medau Bunnies ’ won prizes , and all the teams completed the 20 minute hard-working session .
17 e ) what value would the number team read if 6 stayed at home and all the players had to move down one place ?
18 It might have been a cat knocking an empty tumbler off the bar — except that they did n't keep a cat , and all the glasses had been washed up and put away before they went to bed .
19 Everyone else was either too young or female , and all the teachers had beards .
20 Because the two men were the chairmen and all the women had all the lower positions .
21 My parents loved me without conditions , so they and all the stories told me ; I seek a lover who will do the same .
22 Paddy Mayne was mourning the loss of his close friend and fellow Ulsterman , Eoin McGonigal , and all the others had lost mates with whom they had shared the hardships of training and the pleasures of drinking and rampaging on leave .
23 ‘ When George Lynch , Steve Vai and all the others came to see me , it was all within a six-month period .
24 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
25 And all the others nodded their agreement .
26 Immediately you touched those bones , and all the others did the same , laughing and jostling to get at the coffin .
27 When the outside deck stood empty and all the tables had been cleared and reset and there still was n't a prospect of any trade in sight , Angelica said to Alina , ‘ Come on , let's take a break , ’ and they headed into the kitchen .
28 For instance , the beginning could be ‘ It was a nice sunny day and all the fishes decided to go out for a swim .
29 There was no evidence of car ramps , and all the rafts had long since disappeared .
30 TREES WERE IN LEAF and the rumps of the tourist buses were thick and fat in the traffic and all the farmers wanted fertilizer admixes rather than storehouse insulation when Sixsmith finally made his call .
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