Example sentences of "and have [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now in right locality and have just realized I did not finish looking up where he lived in A-Z .
2 I know you know of it and have even assayed it in a pipe , as they did at court when Astraea ruled and she was inclined to taste it now and then .
3 Although the smaller Saxon churches were usually wooden and have not survived it was not long before more ambitious priests and their patrons turned to stone buildings .
4 I have been stuck here and have not received it , but I shall , of course , give it proper consideration .
5 However , because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become ‘ Mrs Benn ’ , you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her , and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years .
6 ‘ We are still investigating them at present and have not ruled them out . ’
7 She added : ‘ We have had so many inquiries about this and have carefully verified it and we want to set their minds at rest . ’
8 We defined it as being prepared to take into account in choices , and have throughout treated it as the fluctuating disposition to take the look and feel of things into account in choices of ends and the facts about them in choices of means .
9 A long-time friend of the family , Mr Ray Whittaker , 62 , a council worker who lives nearby , said : ‘ Peter and Joan only had three children and have nearly lost them all . ’
10 The noises in my head never stop and have nearly driven me to suicide .
11 Ferguson added : ‘ I have no preconception about which particular strikers will go best together , and have n't given it a lot of thought yet .
12 I 'll I promised Mr a list but I 've had a very busy week and have n't done him a list this week and I have promised and I 've broken a promise .
13 I mean I I know various people by sight in the you know who are always lurking around , when you go to sometimes for an exchange or a something , or say you 've lost your glasses and have n't found them .
14 work and handed in and have n't marked it .
15 Directory , so if you would like to be included and have n't told us yet , please fill in the appropriate part of the questionnaire .
16 ‘ It 's only a bunch of flowers , ’ he said , pleased with her response , ‘ although I can guarantee that I have bought them , and have n't picked them on the way over .
17 There are opportunities for development in the Swindon front garden , in the Chippenham front garden , the Devizes front garden , wherever , and it is my belief that since this county council originally purchased those farms , and have since maintained them , that if there is going to be a development windfall , then that should accrue to this county council and not to Thamesdown or whoever else it happens to be .
18 If you used floats on your model during the initial learning period and have since removed them , it would be well worth replacing them for your first circuits .
19 A lot of couples involved with our singles ministry have taken the challenge of ‘ hands-off ’ courting and have since thanked us for it , even though at the time they wondered if they could not get by with something a bit less conservative .
20 We correlate the seismically-identified intra-Westphalian unconformity with that locally observed and poorly documented onshore , and have therefore designated it the ‘ Symon Unconformity ’ .
21 She said : ‘ I live him very much and have always admired him .
22 I have heard it most often during the period from February to April and have always associated it with mating .
23 Everyone was shown what went on inside this large factory — familiar to us but a curiousity to those whose relations work here , and have never seen it before . ’
24 Last night we celebrated the defeat of Italy — our brigadier ordered a rum ration to all ranks in honour of the occasion — yet I ca n't help feeling just a bit sorry for the Italians , and have never found it in my heart to dislike them as I do the Germans .
25 Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men .
26 And have never regretted it .
27 Employees have often found their work with new machines less physically demanding and have often regarded it as more skilled .
28 Some have worked abroad as volunteers , on extended vacations or in casual jobs , and have then found it difficult to get back into the mainstream of a career .
29 ‘ It is especially high among transsexuals who have had the operation and have then regretted it later , ’ said Mr Rees , who himself spent five months in a psychiatric ward during his teens because of depression .
30 Since then , we have increased it by £225 million and have now raised it by a further £342 million .
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