Example sentences of "and have [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , the latest amendments to the Building Regulations require much higher standards of insulation than ever before and have also belatedly recognised the problems that over-insulation can cause as far as condensation is concerned — both inside the house itself and also within the building 's structure .
2 In the Bristol area , Willses have given donations to Clifton College ( where many of them were educated ) and have also successfully launched an educational experiment at Rendcomb College in Gloucestershire .
3 Officials , wary of the effects the soggy going could have on horses tackling a long hilly course , have taken the precaution of cutting the fences from 38 to 34 and have also slightly reduced the length of the course .
4 People have entered its secret paths and entrances and have either never returned or , if they were fortunate enough to do so , came out with their minds mazed , their wits scattered . ’
5 ‘ Since winning the European Championship they have not won a match and have not even scored a goal . ’
6 If you wish to be included in our order and have not already told us , do so in writing WITHOUT DELAY .
7 This day is definitely on Sat. 17 June from 10.30 – 4.00 at Fee £10 those of you had put your name on the list and have not yet sent your fees PLEASE do so now .
8 Fifthly , although the fact is often overlooked by philosophers , we commonly talk of causes in situations where we are attempting to explain some event and have not yet done so .
9 Registrations are still growing and have not yet peaked out .
10 But in the 1990s many citizens , particularly among the English ( who tend to be less conscious of their ‘ Englishness ’ than the Scots and Welsh are of their national identities ) , do not even feel British : it has been commented that the British lost their sense of identity along with their empire and have not yet found another identity .
11 There are three kinds of people : those who have sought God and found him , and these are reasonable and happy ; those who seek God and have not yet found him , and these are reasonable and unhappy ; and those who neither seek God nor find him , and these are unreasonable and unhappy .
12 Dewdrops , on the other hand , exist , not because they are durable , but because they have only just come into existence and have not yet had time to evaporate .
13 But how I am to get conveyed with my luggage to Maitland neither Stephen or I can devise , three teams of bullocks having left Warra on their way from the plains to this place eight days ago and have not yet arrived .
14 But most of the 49 designated assembly points exist only on maps ; UN officials have so far surveyed only 20 of them and have not yet set up camps suitable for an organised demobilisation .
15 Even if we have not drafted early-day motions and have not seriously studied their subject matter but are broadly in favour of the sentiment , we stick our names at the bottom .
16 that the premises in respect of which the grant was made have been completed in accordance with the plan thereof lodged with the board , or ( b ) that the premises have been completed and that such deviations from the said plan as exist are of minor importance and have not materially altered the character of the premises or the facilities for the supply of alcoholic liquor thereat .
17 The various urban development corporations , for example , are recognizably different in their modes of operation and have not always followed the line favoured by central government .
18 Such provisions require the most careful drafting if they are to achieve their purpose ; and have not always received it , thereby facing the courts with difficult questions of interpretation .
19 We are therefore exploring opportunities for divesting it from the group and have already successfully negotiated a number of disposals , including the sale of its processed meats division .
20 Significant works which have appeared in Latin America have not yet been translated ; and the Asian studies published are still provisional and have thus not contributed either substantively or ideologically to communication studies in the South .
21 Influential advocates of existing religions have persistently resisted the use of reason being applied to the word ‘ 'god ’ , and have thus inevitably ensured the ultimate failure of those religions .
22 On the occasions I have played this course as the guest of a member , I have never had to queue to start play , and have rarely even seen other players on the course .
23 Some licensees have seen catering as a profitable sideline and invested their own cash and other resources into developing it , while others have either not been interested or have lacked the capital to do so , and have accordingly only provided minimum facilities .
24 Similarly , the interglacial periods have not been of the same duration and have presumably not resulted in equal melting of the ice .
25 Heading west on the return flight path , the instructor said , ‘ This is the first time I 've flown with a pupil and have n't once needed to touch the controls . ’
26 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
27 CCTV made no criticism of the ways the rules have affected their editorial discretion ; indeed , they have interpreted them pretty freely , and have recently even used close-ups of the Chairmen , Members and witnesses .
28 European governments have tended to take a more lenient view of merger activity and have sometimes actively encouraged it .
29 But I am so fond of the people in A Wreath of Roses and have so lately re-read it , that I am perhaps tiresomely asking you to do the same thing again .
30 The 1993 editions are therefore concentrating on different areas of the world and have so far covered the Middle East and the United States of America .
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