Example sentences of "and we should [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This is of course not possible , and we should rather conclude that any intermediate , formed by the initial attack of Cl - on , must have no significant absorption in the spectral range studied , or that its concentration is never so great that it contributes significantly to the spectrum .
2 And we should just forget it .
3 Lobbies of local councillors for improvements in street lighting should be organized , campaigns organized in conjunction with trade councils would raise awareness of the general public and we should also involve the transport unions .
4 And we should also have a fire escape plan .
5 However , there is no particular reason to confine ourselves to constant per unit prices , and we should also consider non linear outlay schedules , in which charges are not strictly proportional to the number of units purchased .
6 And we should also discuss the re-planting programme with Jacques . ’
7 The problem we 've got at the moment is that we have a lack of housing if you like , and we should surely put , pinpoint those houses for those people most in need .
8 It can , nevertheless , get out of hand and we should always bear in mind the need to intervene , to challenge , to focus the work , to use this period of " dramatic play " to provide learning opportunities .
9 Prayer and good works benefit both the individual and the parish and we should always remember our priests in our prayers .
10 Seventeen million people died in this war and we should never forget .
11 ‘ Doncaster is nearest , ’ said Michael , ‘ but the signals are thicker on that side and we should never get through . ’
12 It is , in its way , the flyer 's own symbolic wand of happiness , and we should never dismiss it as just another necessary component .
13 The dialectical method of reasoning he borrowed from Engel ; and we should never under-estimate its importance in being a fundamental break with the tradition of Western philosophy .
14 Gentleness is a major feature of spiritual growth and wholeness , and we should therefore cultivate it seriously .
15 If Mill 's argument succeeds in showing that there is even only a little evidence in its favour , there will be more evidence in favour than against ; and we should therefore accept the hypothesis .
16 Only die-hard purists will be disappointed ( and we should perhaps feel sorry for them ) .
17 And we should perhaps add to this list of discourses the critical one which organises an anecdote , which may not have taken place at all , to re-iterate a point about Shakespeare and power .
18 Belief in progress was not confined to supporters of scientism , but the two went very easily together ; and we should now review this progress .
19 However , none of these Philosophical approaches does justice to the complexity and variety of the deictic expressions that occur in natural languages , and we should now turn to consider linguistic approaches and findings .
20 That , however , could be catered for with appropriate wording and we should then feel more confident when a UK aircraft crashed abroad .
21 And we should then find an answer that is valid from his point of view , rather than an answer that simply reflects our point of view' ( 1982 , p.35 ) .
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