Example sentences of "and we can [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There is a complex interrelation of both systems and we can again distinguish different countries in which this dual function of law plays a greater or lesser role : the UK for example , without a written constitution , without a constitutional court , without a long tradition of legal science but with a multitude of extra-legal institutions and ideologies does not rely on legal ideology to the same extent as other countries , for example , West Germany and the USA .
2 THESE are costly pieces of equipment and we can again highlight the way in which suppliers and departments in
3 In the later interviews it is only when grandparents were not known directly that there is no significant memory of them , and we can reasonably assume that this was also the commonest reason for lack of memory in the first set .
4 We 've got current on this axis , voltage on this axis , we 've got equal in this case equal potassium on each side of the membrane , so the reversal potential , here shown as the zero current intercept , that is the point at which the channel 's not passing any current , is zero millivolts , because we 've got equal potassium on each side , and we can simply draw a line through those data points .
5 We have no way of recording and replaying the sense of balance , and we can barely manage sight and sound with our present technology .
6 The same effects may be achieved by having a massage but , unlike a massage , the feeling of lightness can last for days and we can eventually learn how to release tension for ourselves .
7 As a public limited company , we have greater access to the money markets and we can thus offer more competitive rates .
8 Additionally , it is possible to detect the electrical activity that is produced when muscles contract , and we can thus observe the complex co-ordination of activity in the muscles controlling speech production .
9 In short our national standards are high and we can largely choose what they should be .
10 In an M-tense system we can easily distinguish past ( events completed prior to CT ) , from present ( events whose span includes CT ) , from future ( events succeeding CT ) ; we can further distinguish points from spans ( Lyons , 1977a : 683 ) ; and we can also make first approximations to complex tenses like the Pluperfect , by representing events that are prior to other events , which are themselves prior to CT ( Reichenbach , 1947 : 288ff ; see also Allwood , Andersson & Dahl , 1977 : 121ff ) .
11 So we want to draw a picture , that 's all a graph is , a picture so it 's eas so we can get a good idea of what 's happening and we can also read off at any time .
12 It is their way of stressing that the Beyond has come into our midst , and we can neither organise nor domesticate him .
13 ZeeBeeCee has gained a court order allowing access to Jessamyn Bonney 's juvenile records , stored in the central infonet of the Bruyce-Hoare Agency , and we can exclusively reveal for the first time on national television that evidence which has come to light since her 1992 parricide hearing has suggested that she was indeed guilty of the murder of her father , a crime for which she was acquitted in court on the testimony of one Andrew Jean , since deceased , a gangcult associate and known perjurer . ’
14 And we can exclusively reveal that it 's turned out nice again for The Liverpool George Formby Society who will have their first ever meeting on Friday , November 13th .
15 We believe that the Further and Higher Education Bill 's provisions meet the concerns expressed by my hon. Friend the Member for Rutland and Melton ( Mr. Latham ) and by others , and we can categorically reassure those colleges that they have nothing to fear .
16 For example , in the case of Rome in the third century BC , we can calculate that the total amount of silver coinage produced was small in comparison with Rome 's ‘ income ’ at the time , as defined by plunder , tribute and indemnities , and we can thereby see that silver coinage played only a minor role in the economy .
17 Moreover , most galaxies are found in clusters , and we can similarly infer the presence of yet more dark matter in between the galaxies in these clusters by its effect on the motion of the galaxies .
18 If ρ is associative then , by definition , these two evaluations are equal and we can unambiguously denote the result by
19 And we can easily see that an external contingent relation , no matter how regular a contingent relation it is , wo n't do the trick .
20 My view is that we 've got forty years to think about it and we can surely think ahead .
21 We 've done everything we had to do , really , and we can just sit back and watch it all now . ’
22 They can have a lot respect for the women who are working against male violence and we can just keep it in mind that we 're moving towards , not the same place , but roughly speaking we have the same visions .
23 and we can just poddle him along to everything we do , just , I mean it 's , you know we can do things in the garden , we can do things round the house we do n't have to lay out anything special do we ?
24 Here I am ! ’ and we can either pretend that it is ‘ out there ’ , or we can take a serious look at ourselves .
25 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
26 We 've call parked you Anthea , by Jo 's phone , so as long as you know that , you wo n't be too perturbed about the length of time , hopefully , so you put your handset down , and we can either wait 75 seconds , in which case what would happen .
27 On the particular issue of regional migration as it affects Greater York , I would suspect and we can probably put some information in to confirm this that the linkages between Greater York area and other county areas within er Yorkshire and Humberside , vary .
28 It is not enough , however , to argue that these two effects simply cancel one another out and we can therefore forget about them .
29 The flexibility and cheapness of overdraft borrowing is possible because it is an ‘ on demand ’ facility , and we can therefore call it in at any time .
30 But we have just worked out what the rational expectation of is , and we can therefore write :
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