Example sentences of "and an [noun sg] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 One thing he could have done without was an ambitious young investigating magistrate with a strong political bias , a prefabricated conspiracy theory and an itch to get his name in the news .
2 Gradually society 's standards become internalised and an individual becomes his or her own source of rewards and punishments ; for example congratulating him or herself for being polite and feeling guilty for being rude .
3 From this small dukedom he managed to prosper , employed as he was in a business which required a few choice contacts , a nose for the changing taste of his market , and an ability to conceal his pleasure at his achievements .
4 Success as a burglar was achieved through skill , daring , and an ability to change his appearance — a considerable feat considering his distinctive appearance .
5 Four soldiers with submachine guns patrolled the room , and an officer made his rounds at frequent intervals .
6 As a result of two previous visits to London , Boulestin had already gone through a period of serious anglomania which extended even to our food , and an attempt to make his father 's household in Poitiers appreciate the beauty of mint sauce with mutton , the fascination of Sir Kenelm Digby 's Stuart recipes for hydromel and mead , and the anglo-oriental romance of curry as served at Romano 's .
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