Example sentences of "and we [vb mod] now [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 At the interface the circumferential strain in the cylinder is and we may now eliminate finding This gives one relation between .
2 The foregoing chapters will , it is hoped , form a sufficient background and we may now begin to look at their implications for the social worker and for the social work profession .
3 I was delighted with the way he jumped in the ground and we 'll now look for another small race as we want him to learn and build up his confidence , ’ the trainer added .
4 And press enter and we 'll now select an I B M Proprinter .
5 These concern in particular access to legal advice and the admissibility of confession evidence , and we shall now examine each of these in turn .
6 A lot of the points discussed had also been considered by the cricket committee and we shall now make a thorough investigation . ’
7 Had it been a real train the sound would have faded off towards the west — away from the hostel instead , and we could now hear the engine as well ; it came towards the hostel over the non-existent harbour branch and clattered to a stop , perhaps at one of the wharves .
8 The mean of the distribution of beliefs on z is the only moment used by B t 's in deciding how to behave and we will now quote a result which shows that the mean of the distribution of beliefs is a linear function of past data .
9 The model has emerged honourably from these tests ; and we will now describe some of them .
10 Intuitively , one would guess that abnormalities could arise at many points in such a system and we will now consider severe clinical disorders which bear this out .
11 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
12 The approximating function , drawn dashed in the figure , is called a Piecewise-Linear ( PWL ) approximation and we will now define rigorously .
13 A number of our highly successful programmes currently only run for twenty weeks a year , such as ‘ In Business ’ and ‘ Europhile ’ — and we will now expand their run for the entire year .
14 ‘ It takes all the pressure off us and we can now start to play rugby again , ’ a representative from Ebbw Vale , whose ground is owned by the local authority , said .
15 And we can now answer that question in general terms , even without being able to comprehend the details of the complexity itself .
16 Conjecture is at an end and we can now study the actual reform that has unfolded before our eyes .
17 The new rises are about half the current inflation rate and we can now offer customers better value for money . ’
18 These results greatly improve our ability to restore corners and we can now restore corners and twist corners without affecting edges .
19 The set is created in the bifurcation that occurs as r passes through r* , and we can now mention some of the interesting properties that lead us to call it " strange " .
20 From the data and assumed values for µ and we can now solve the above equations ( 1 ) to ( 4 ) for optimal reservation wages ζ , .
21 Things really do seem to be looking up , and we can now discount all those gloom-merchants who assured us it would all be over before Christmas .
22 In the original report we mentioned a major licensing deal between SelecTronics and Berlitz and we can now see the concrete results of this in SelecTronics ' product range .
23 I said that asymmetric arms races were more likely to lead to interesting progressive improvements than symmetric ones , and we can now see why this is , using human weapons to illustrate the point .
24 Nodes 2 , 4 and 5 are currently active and we can now use penalties to prune potential growth of the tree .
25 We have been very good at burnished shellac finish and we can now add a brighter spirited-off shellac finish to enhance our fine pieces of blonde furniture .
26 Several thousand years earlier , man and cat appear to have already developed a special relationship , and we can now state with reasonable certainty that the cat was domesticated at least eight thousand years ago .
27 Such an exclusion would rely on the restricted sense of encoding that required , inter alia , that the significances in question are ( a ) intentionally conveyed ( and we can now say , meant-nn ) and ( b ) conventionally associated with the relevant linguistic forms .
28 And we can now slap our knees as well !
29 Belief in progress was not confined to supporters of scientism , but the two went very easily together ; and we should now review this progress .
30 However , none of these Philosophical approaches does justice to the complexity and variety of the deictic expressions that occur in natural languages , and we should now turn to consider linguistic approaches and findings .
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