Example sentences of "and she [vb past] that they " in BNC.

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1 Their skimpy costumes were decorated with two huge ostrich plumes , attached to their heads , and to their backsides : and she saw that they were harnessed to look like two ponies .
2 He chatted on about them for the rest of the journey , as she had hoped he would , and she learnt that they could n't be better looked after .
3 As an adult she was able to see how wrong it was and she knew that they were indulging in something they should not have been doing — although in her childish innocence she had not been aware that it was anything more than an extension of the love and affection she felt for other members of her family .
4 The sunlight from an open window shone into his eyes , and she noticed that they were exactly the same shade of green as Stephen 's , and just as opaque .
5 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
6 And she said that they seem to be selling more
7 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
8 She had n't thought about how much of her hour remained , until bells started ringing , and she realized that they must have gone for her .
9 Both glanced at her curiously , and she guessed that they were brother and sister , with the same large , rather vacant brown eyes , and amiable bovine faces .
10 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
11 The ceramics particularly impressed her and she found that they were referred to in the catalogue as " agitational chinaware " .
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