Example sentences of "and that [vb mod] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And that would probably be a good enough start just put five , ten .
2 Oh these courses mainly I 've been on is being opening the Guild you know , how to open a Guild , how to open you know , a Guild erm and er I 've been on consumer courses erm such as like that paper they just sent this week on what 's on , I mean that is nothing new they 've sent out in today 's Co-op news you know that our own label and all the nutr because the nutriment , I can remember er being at Stanford Hall on , on a consumer course for a week and you see I was on the er when I was know , know longer an employee , I was on member relations you see , representing the Guild and you 'd go through there sometimes and that would probably be a consumer task .
3 And that would normally be the end of it .
4 And that would be calculated as the total amount dissolved in the ocean divided by its rate either of addition or removal so if we 're assuming steady state the two will be the same , whichever is easiest to ma measure and that would normally be expressed in years
5 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
6 But no Election was due until 1940 — and that might well be too late .
7 The old master-spy , William Casey , was said , not least by North , to have masterminded both the Iran and contra operations , and that may well be true of the broad canvas ; but the marks are those of an enthusiastic amateur in espionage , a man who had learnt his craft of secret agent more from the cinema than from the CIA handbook .
8 The hon. Lady will know that there is an attractive £60 million new hospital in Elgin — the West Grampian unit — and that may well be among those expressing an interest in trust status in due course .
9 I think what those statistics indicate is that more people are being notified to the Home Office and that may well be that doctors are more aware of the need to notify .
10 She went the whole way now : ‘ He 'll pull the switch for the first television transmission to Danu , and that will also be the moment Danu is absorbed into the republic as the fifty-eighth province .
11 That will be carried and er with a shorter range but the advanced anti armour weapon , that will also have a stand off capability and that will also be carried .
12 He was my first love , and that will always be very special .
13 I play the game for fun and that will always be the prime motivation .
14 I and that will always be a right and proper thing for a member of parliament to do .
15 The other thing , which I think is a , another great misconception is er our present Prime Ministers ' policy of having a classless society , well I think the first thing is you could do is actually abolish the House of Lords and that will certainly be a start on having a classless society in this country .
16 But Bingham has hinted recently that he 's pushing for a ‘ younger , more mobile midfield ’ — and that will certainly be needed against the run-all-day Republic quartet of Townsend , Keane , Houghton and Staunton .
17 High Wycombe please , John seventy and that could well be , my mad , bad numbers , thank you very much , thank you , bye
18 We demanded proof of intent , and that could only be achieved through living a separatist lifestyle .
19 And that could possibly be the only , and ah I mean it 's it 's a
20 And that could fairly be called an act of express consent .
21 1.12 The common point about such cases is of course that expert evidence can be called to dispute the allegations about seat belts , and that must always be borne in mind in these cases .
22 Chilling is the commoner danger , but in deserts there may be a risk of over-heating and that can also be lethal .
23 By the end of his life , his position was somewhat more relativist , and that can fairly be seen as the result of the consistent working-through of his earlier principles .
24 As Mr Gladstone has pointed out , in the last few years progress has been far more rapid because improved education has created in all classes of the community an increased desire and appetite for literature which did not formerly exist , and that can only be supplied by means of such public libraries in which we are now met .
25 Other recordings in this repertoire by these particular artists on the Hungaroton label have garnered much praise , and that can only be echoed in this case too .
26 I welcome the competition that Eric provides and that can only be a good thing for the club .
27 The Bill disregards the statutory role of local authorities with regard to impounded water and that can only be to the detriment of local people .
28 The equity partners will usually want to give their junior colleagues and associates the opportunity to prove their ultimate worth to the firm and that can only be done by giving them direct experience of management .
29 But at least a lot of players have sampled international competition at their own level and that can only be good for the game .
30 He 's blossoming and that can only be good for us . ’
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