Example sentences of "and when [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And when they lay me in my wedding dress on that table , I 'll have my revenge on him ! ’
2 And when they reached her , she said , ‘ He 's taken an overdose . ’
3 And when they reached him , they would have to stop .
4 There were some trees below them , and when they reached them he slowed , she followed suit , and then he swished to a halt .
5 At the hotel Luke collected both keys from the night porter , and when they reached her room he unlocked the door and held it open for her , then closed it behind him .
6 His hands caressed her back , then caressed down to her waist , and when they reached her hips he moulded her thinly clad body against him .
7 And when they reached his bank , she thought , she 'd broach the subject of the safety-deposit box .
8 The smell of the fungus attracts flies and when they land they collect some of the jelly on their legs , which they then carry away , so spreading the fungus .
9 The Court felt that , ‘ Such information can be of tremendous historical value in demonstrating what agency personnel were involved in making a particular policy decision and what officials knew and when they knew it . ’
10 And when they come their wives
11 And then after that when the ship was finished , then they used to sort that all out , the timber , different sizes , then y and then or were there , their own people to stack the timber and when they stacked it , they stacked it and they used to put splines between each layer of timber and that was to season the timber .
12 Never the less , it is the child speaking we do n't put the words into their mouths and as such when they speak and when they write it down , it 's one of the , possibly one of the few chances of having primary evidence of how the child is at er , writing er , on an official document
13 They walk the pigs on leads , and when they dig their gardens , the pigs follow and dig , too .
14 She wanted to know what cancer was and when they said it was terminal , she asked what that meant .
15 The idea is that if elderly people can be encouraged to think back to the times when they had lots of relationships , and when they felt they had some status and worth , then they are able to feel that status carry over more into their present life .
16 They 'd stand there and laugh at you , or say things to get you going , and when they felt they 'd wound you up they 'd walk away laughing .
17 What bad luck — they spend six days in the mountains hunting for Trolls and when they return they find the Imperial army camped outside the walls of Hauptmansburg and all able-bodied men called to serve .
18 ‘ Some friends who were with me on holiday in Romania talked about the idea and when they contacted me this year saying they were going to do the ride I told them I was more than willing to join them , ’ said Karen , who teaches at Applegarth Primary School , Northallerton .
19 And when they cut it with scythes , did they gather it ?
20 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
21 She struggled to get the words out and when they came they hurt so much .
22 Men who could use these things comfortably would have to be three metres tall , and when they came I really did n't want to be there .
23 There were alot of helicopters going overhead and when they came I have never seen children move so fast .
24 I was just thinking that maybe at the beginning of the day people could , if she knows who is due she could actually write that in , and when they came she could just tick that that they 'd arrived .
25 But there were five of them there one day in the porch and when they saw me they gathered up their bottles and began to go , except one .
26 And when they asked her why the yellow ribbon ,
27 And er the masters used to humiliate them to break them down you see and when they thought they were broken down enough
28 She was utterly pliant as his lips traced her neck and cheeks , and when they brushed her own again she felt warmth flood over her .
29 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
30 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
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