Example sentences of "and her [noun] [verb] get " in BNC.

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1 thing and her dad 's got a country and western music I mean he , they go all over the bloody place .
2 Though an experienced skier , Pat and her friends had got caught in a blizzard and were making their way to shelter when Pat 's skis plunged into deep snow .
3 But then her pride and her curiosity had got the better of her again , and she remembered why she had agreed to the meeting in the first place .
4 Carefully , slowly , Grace and her father tried to get the boat near the rock , but three times they had to pull away at the last minute .
5 The crux came when she became doubly incontinent and her mind had got to the point where she had forgotten how her body functioned .
6 She went into Lucca 's shop but he had no idea where Giovanna and her family had got to .
7 MY DAUGHTER and her husband have got themselves into a ridiculous situation and , though I could happily bang their heads together , I feel I 've got to help them .
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