Example sentences of "and had [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the reliability of Mrs. Steed 's statement was seriously undermined by the circumstances that she had denied ever having seen the transfer and had denied that the signature was hers .
2 You know he was that tramp must have been an honest man because father said there was quite a little of sovereigns in that , and so I suppose it had been given to the parish and had seen that the man was properly buried , and then they discovered that he was an Aberdonian .
3 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
4 On July 8 she had announced a stepping-up of the deportations of illegal immigrants , and had said that the state would charter special aircraft for the task .
5 SAAB had estimated the costs and benefits of the line-out system and had calculated that the system would pay for itself within four years , with more than half of the savings coming from the increased production flexibility of the system and another 25 per cent coming from reduced labour turnover and absenteeism .
6 He still felt extremely nervous about what might happen once they left the warren and had decided that the best way to avoid trouble would be to keep close to Hazel and do exactly what he said .
7 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
8 Up to a dozen viewers had heard my throwaway remarks and had assumed that the party at Frenchay really would be out in the street .
9 Speaking in Taif , Saudi Arabia , on Feb. 11 , the Information Minister , Badr Jasim al Yaqub , had dismissed the possibility of early elections and had hinted that a period of martial law might be necessary .
10 and had emphasised that the Institute could be left behind and would be compelled by others in Europe to do certain things , which was not desirable .
11 In testimony and published accounts he had insisted that he had argued against the proposition of selling arms to Iran and had believed that the idea had been abandoned .
12 Coming on the heels of the Ashby Report , which had lacked conviction in Tutorials and had recommended that the reference to them in grant regulations be dropped , the Board 's decision seemed to be another blow to what had traditionally been regarded as the apex of WEA work .
13 Ganev and the UDF had been angered by some documents leaked in late February in an attempt to smear him , and had demanded that the secret services by placed under the control of the Interior Ministry rather than the Presidency as at present .
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