Example sentences of "and they had [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Well I do it probably was actually but it was the switch that had gone , maybe lightning had hopped across the switch , yeah , but erm , that 's all it was it was the switch , but er , I mean the thing is it went wrong and they had to pay for it , okay it 's only a tenner to have it done , but it , if a C D player , I mean if the carriage goes , you know , sixty , seventy quid , you know I 'm buying these electrical things , it 's , because it 's a burg lock , I can buy them , get them a warranty with it an'all , then it 's took the burden off them .
32 Well no , no I , I , I 'd got a cycle and er the money was very useful to us cos er my husband , he worked on the , on the top of at Parcel he could n't go down , they were n't allowed underneath er because he wore glasses , anyone wearing glasses they were n't allowed underground you see and they had to work on what they call on the surface , and of course the wages were n't , were n't much and er I was glad to go out to work and er and I , I eventually I had a cycle and I used to cycle to Squires and back you know , and erm it was , it was very very useful indeed the money I , I , I earned there .
33 And they had come to the conclusion that it was not American slate cos there were no quarries in that time .
34 The old man had been a seaman , and they had come from Chatham seeking a relative who had once lived next door , but who they found had moved .
35 They were not very loud , like the crack of a fairground rifle , and they had come from behind him , from the playground .
36 In the summer , strawberry sellers usually took up position around the Crimean Cannon at the side of the Council House and they had to dispose of all their perishable wares before returning home .
37 It was impossible to say that the order made by the justices had any foundation in law and they had erred in principle in making it ; MacDougall v. Knight [ 1889 ] A.C. 194 , Scott v. Scott [ 1913 ] A.C.417 , Att. -Gen. v. Leveller Magazine Ltd .
38 They were referred to the clinic by their doctors in Greece or the Middle East , and looked horrified when I said there was no lift and they had to walk down seventeen stairs to the basement .
39 There were no worries when entire troupes toured as their Captains were always experienced travellers but often one or two replacements were needed and they had to travel in couples or even alone .
40 The point that I want to reiterate here , before extending this concept of structure theoretically , is that in the drama process the surface meaning of the event , the meaning which in fact would play a large part if we were to tell it as a story — ‘ And the townsfolk listened to the Government representative and they had to come to a decision ’ — may not provide the required game structure .
41 The school was divided into Upper and Lower boys , and the Lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library : they cooked their tea , ran errands for them , being sent perhaps as far as Windsor to fetch a cake from Fuller 's teashop , and they had to come at once when someone in the Library shouted " Boy ! " , the last arrival being given the job .
42 He had kissed her on the nose , and they had strolled around their small domain , debating what else they should do to the garden .
43 Due to a power blackout , their hotel was in total darkness when they arrived , and they had to trudge up the stairs with their luggage to the 10th floor .
44 The others took it up , humming or singing , and walked in time to it until old Donald got breathless and they had to saunter for a while .
45 I did n't know what it was , and they had to play in-between bingo sets .
46 It was getting towards ten o'clock , and they had switched to beer some time ago , to keep their brains clear .
47 In those few minutes the colour had drained out of them and they had wilted in the glass like faded tissue paper .
48 please understand me , but no thousands of Pounds is er taxable , see what I mean they 've never , I should never applied and they had to send about oh above twenty returns , yearly return .
49 er , it can be a very terrifying experience for a woman , but I think part of the mental experience would be coming forward to the police and they had dealt with now in a far more caring and understanding manner , that that can actually help in a process of getting over it eventually .
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