Example sentences of "and they [verb] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pammy Jane is very easy to talk to and they relax in each other 's company . ’
2 Then Amanda Pennington might hear about it ; her cousin was in another House and they wrote to each other .
3 He co-operated with Walter Reynolds [ q.v. ] after Reynolds became archbishop of Canterbury , and they wrote to each other constantly , passing on gossip and information .
4 Reaching the hatch at the same time as the stranger outside , he collided with it , and they fell into each other 's arms .
5 They often meet , and they write to each other .
6 " Of course , " he said , " of Course , " and he even showed her the corridor that led to the Ladies ' room , and she escaped , and they escaped from each other .
7 There was a library but Rain and Patrick did not meet there because her recollection was wrong and they blundered into each other in a passage .
8 A shadow seemed to have fallen over them , perhaps a premonition that they would never see each other again , and they stared at each other as though trying to commit each other 's features to memory .
9 Rourke 's thumb was still pressed to the bell as she opened the door , and they stared at each other , he , frowning , she with an expression of wary mistrust .
10 They both had parts in Peter 's Friends , a comedy about a university reunion , and they starred alongside each other in the psychological drama Dead Again .
11 Yes and they go through each
12 She took his hands and they looked into each other 's eyes .
13 Franca came and sat on the bed and took hold of Patrick 's hand and they looked at each other .
14 Then she lay back on her pillow and they looked at each other as if it was for the first time .
15 and he goes why were you in my , why am I in my underwear seen my pants and he goes ah , here 's a message on my knee and he goes P S Sue Carpenter and they look at each other and they go , Sue Carpenter whoooo and then the mouse traps go off and it ends with them going
16 Economics and ideology are thus both ‘ determining ’ in a weak sense , and they interact with each other , but neither make a single future inevitable .
17 And they nodded at each other , for all the world , Isobel thought , like a pair of well-fed penguins .
18 Harriet 's sobbing and she herself is st ill cursing and her head 's spinning and spinning and they lurch into each other , and Harriet is n't Princess H any more , cool and cocky , she 's sad too , mysteriously , unglamorously , and she hugs her and feels how slight she is and it seems she 's luckier than Harriet , well , just now .
19 He had n't thought out his internal organs properly , and they leaked into each other .
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