Example sentences of "and turn back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just for a moment , standing by the window , dropping the edge of the curtain he had lifted and turning back towards the cot , Adam saw the picture again , saw it with an awful clarity on the darkness before his eyes .
2 The cool air caressed her bare arms , and Folly shivered and turned back towards the house .
3 Spencer smiled and turned back into the room .
4 He looked at her bleakly and turned back into the kitchen .
5 The Chargé waved a hand and turned back into the group .
6 He surfaced from his thoughts and turned back to the room .
7 ‘ Let us hope his butler was too drunk to remember faces , ’ he said shortly , and turned back to the work .
8 He swung the gun up again , fired wildly at that thrashing form and turned back to the staircase .
9 He rose unsteadily and turned back to the shattered windows , breath coming in sobs .
10 Bob became embarrassed at his own effusiveness , and turned back to the screen , tapping out the rhythm with his fingers on the side of his glass .
11 Iris , seated at the dressing-table , paused in the act of brushing her short , mouse-brown hair , glanced briefly through the window and turned back to the mirror without comment .
12 He glared at Maggie for a second longer and then gathered the reins and turned back to the door .
13 Shrugging off the thoughts with his greatcoat , he threw the latter over one of the two big tables and turned back to the fire .
14 Lady Usk watched him wend a hasty path towards his wife and turned back to the window to find that Miss Kyte was standing stock-still on the terrace , staring in at her .
15 Midwinter came into the frame of the door and turned back to the room beyond to clap gently with his white-gloved hands .
16 Killion glanced at him , and turned back to the Scotch thistle .
17 She looked me up and down and said , ‘ Oh , it 's you , is it ? ’ and turned back to the wicker hopper on the bike , delving into its depths with both hands , surfacing with long packages wrapped in newspaper .
18 In 1989 there was outcry when a Pole carried his four-year-old son to the top of the Tacul , and two-years later the same pair were actually stopped by the police and turned back during an attempt on Mont Blanc .
19 For a fleeting moment , she wondered if the woman might have given her deliberately wrong directions but , shrugging the thought away , she started the car and turned back in the direction from which she had just come .
20 The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night .
21 I put my Summerchild file aside and turn back to the Quality of Life .
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