Example sentences of "and turn to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So ceases and turns to the thing
2 When they heard that multitudes in Samaria had received the word of God , they gladly sent them Peter and John ; and when they heard that in Antioch a great number had believed and turned to the Lord , they at once despatched Barnabas who , when he came and saw , rejoiced ’ ( McGavran 1959:25 ) .
3 ‘ Ah , our beauteous daughter-in-law ! ’ said the king with his usual bonhomie and turning to the queen .
4 ‘ You need to eat , ’ he said ; and turning to the idiot boy he pointed to his mouth and made the movement of eating .
5 She made no move to resist , she never could and he lifted his head , looking down at her in amusement , putting her carefully from him and turning to the door .
6 Further progress along the track was now not advisable , so I followed the kakar up the glade , and turning to the left worked my way down , over open ground , to the forest road below .
7 The young man scoffed loudly , and turning to the Mayor 's companion , jeeringly said : ‘ And I suppose you are the Prime Minister ? ’
8 Pausing there and turning to the judgment , Lord Denman C.J. stated , at p. 682 , that the court did not proceed on any doctrine as to relation of principal and surety .
9 ‘ I do n't know which is worse , ’ she said plaintively , dumping the goulash down on the table and turning to the sink to strain the noodles .
10 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
11 Reluctantly , Meredith dragged her envious gaze from the noisy families greeting one another in the Arrivals lounge and turned to the man who 'd spoken .
12 His fingers were sweaty , his touch proprietorial , and all at once she wrenched free and turned to the man who 'd come to her assistance .
13 He picked it up and turned to the address section at the back .
14 He shook her off with an irritable gesture and turned to the gendarme .
15 Caretaker put the receiver back and turned to the door .
16 She stood and turned to the door .
17 Berger showed no emotion , and turned to the door .
18 But as she shook her hair free and turned to the door , she realised that Miguel was already missing .
19 He cast his eye down the contents page of Cotton Town and turned to the story that Gerald Seymour-Strachey had recommended ; there it was , in the centre of the collection : ‘ Lydia Horton and the Vile Seducers ’ .
20 ‘ Do n't know , ’ he said dismissively , and turned to the tele on the wall in the Catacol pub .
21 The shore was already becoming inaccessible as piles of ash accumulated , so he was forced to abandon his attempt , and turned to the south , running before the wind to escape from the increasingly heavy rain of ashes .
22 He said , squirming , ‘ Let me go , Carrie , let me go , rotten beast , ’ ’ and she laughed and released him and turned to the window
23 Jack stood abruptly and turned to the window .
24 Bobby sighed and turned to the chairman but he was in earnest conversation with a ponderous constable .
25 In desperation she picked up the paper and turned to the TV guide , but there was nothing scheduled for the early-evening spot apart from game shows .
26 ‘ You must join us for dinner , of course , ’ he suggested quietly and turned to the waiter , but before a request for a more accommodating table was spoken Maria Luisa , to everyone 's shock , gave out a sudden sob of protest and turned and fled from the restaurant .
27 WITH the ice cracking and groaning underfoot and the wind etching their faces , Robert Swan stood at the North Pole and turned to the woman for whom he had just walked to the end of the earth .
28 Finally Alain detached himself from Claudine 's clinging hands and turned to the house , collecting Jenna with a very hard hand on her arm .
29 Jenna grinned at her and got into the car , looking around with pleasure as Marguerite reversed from the garage and turned to the track .
30 Surely not all at the same time , Reynolds thought , and turned to the summary of Jenner 's thesis work .
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