Example sentences of "and mr [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was Mrs Craven 's favourite garden , and she and Mr Craven used to take care of it themselves .
2 But he had little reason yet to ask for a search warrant and Mr Simpson would go purple in the face and throw every legal book in his considerable library at him if he so much as tried .
3 But there were a few , and Mr Frohnmayer would like to be counted among them .
4 And Mr Quigley will go .
5 In his 14 years as president , both tennis in general and the ITF in particular have undergone enormous development and Mr Chatrier can take much of the credit for the changes which have taken place .
6 Imagine the smiles if Mr Gorbachev and Mr Deng can shake on a Kampuchean deal .
7 This will restore most of the rights sought by the union movement as a reward for their loyalty , and Mr Lyons would like to see it signed on Friday .
8 Nobody will blame you , and Mr Mason will tell your uncle so , when he goes back to Madeira . ’
9 Mr Graham and Mr Lindsay would visit sites along all the proposed routes before the inquiry started .
10 The funerals of Mr McKenna and Mr Kelly will take place tomorrow after separate Requiem Masses at St Patrick 's Church , Glen .
11 It is arrogant to suppose that any new ‘ Senate ’ devised by Mr Hattersley and Mr Ashdown would improve on these qualities .
12 Dr Davies and Mr Barratt will continue to attend Council meetings along with other senior executives of the Council .
13 Mr and Mrs Smith will speak more quietly to each other and Mr Smith will spend less money at the pub .
14 But to any of the Hong Kong Chinese watching yesterday , Mr Kaufman and Mr Tebbit must look terribly alike .
15 Both are Social Democratic strongholds and Mr Kohl can hope for no respite in either .
16 The Commissariat will henceforth be administered by Mr Simmons , and Mr Rayne will take up his duties at the ramparts ; his bearers , however , will remain to assist in the Commissariat .
17 At that stage , Sunderland were good value for the lead and Mr Crosby must have been a contented man .
18 The polls indicated that the result was too close to call and that Mr Major and Mr Kinnock may have to wait well into tomorrow morning to know who will form the next Government .
19 As question marks over Mr Major 's future grew at Westminster , Mr Heseltine said Mr Lamont 's speech would be forgotten very quickly and Mr Major would win the next general election .
20 From their letter , Mr Scott and Mr Waterman would have people believe that they alone will ‘ pick up the pieces ’ .
21 Mr Clarke has been tipped as possible Chancellor or Home Secretary and Mr Heseltine could get an expanded Department of Trade and Industry .
22 None of them would necessarily call himself a Daleyite , and Mr Daley would deny that he was creating a Democratic machine anything like the one that his father ran with such effect .
23 Baste them pheasants , Sally , and Mr Hawkins can tap the keg of porter . ’
24 Our policemen and women deserve respect and Mr Clarke should make sure that they get it .
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