Example sentences of "and even [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I liked Chapman , and even saw the odd game where he played the ball well on the ground , but he and Cantona did n't quite blend .
2 Wagner , that is , contrived to regard his hymn to love and love 's fulfilment in death as an enactment of Schopenhauerian renunciation , and even sent the elderly philosopher a copy of the libretto , which was finished in 1857 .
3 It was painted a drab olive grey to look like a German staff car and even had the monthly enemy air recognition panel painted on the bonnet .
4 One councillor governor champion co-ordinated a petition from children and parents and even had the full council in chamber addressed by a group of young children in successful campaigns for a new swimming baths for the area and for greater access by children to school playing fields outside school hours .
5 Others gave up their agricultural occupations and even left the rural areas together , migrating to find work and livelihood in the expanding urban areas .
6 She put down the receiver , feeling much happier , and even enjoyed the lukewarm haddock that was waiting for her in the kitchen .
7 Luxuriant creepers clambered up the walls to the pink pantiled roof , and even festooned the crooked chimneys and television aerial .
8 Silence filtered through the noise and even embraced the over-excited people in the Gallery .
9 We had guarantees , from the local military authorities , who provided heavily armed escorts , a Hercules plane , and even gave the green light to our closer local advisers .
10 The new leader reduced Soviet involvement in Third World conflicts , and even withdrew the Red Army from Afghanistan in early 1989 , leaving the Communist regime there to fend for itself .
11 He had forgotten his farm and even lost the previous year 's harvest .
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