Example sentences of "and then it will be " in BNC.

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1 And then , during this last summer , Nan had said , ‘ You know , one day he 'll break your jaw and then it 'll be too late . ’
2 There is n't another ferry off Straker 's Cay till Saturday night and it 's no good expecting me to get any preparatory work done on Wavebreaker till Monday at the earliest , and then it 'll be two or three days before — ‘
3 And then it 'll be head down — trying to work out how she 'll combine motherhood with her new job as news announcer for Meridian TV when it goes on air in January .
4 And then it 'll be ready for printing out .
5 and get that there and then it 'll be a lot easier cos mum said she struggled today to get in that door of the , I said well what do you go in there for ?
6 I work till four o'clock , and then and then it 'll be getting dark wo n't it ?
7 And then it 'll be on .
8 and then it 'll be all the rates , I know I can get a bit of rebate , but er , I do n't do bad really after having some rebate , but
9 You have to put a book in first , that I was first to speak this morning , you were second and then it 'll be either Kelly Ann or Stephen next .
10 I think it just came back here for the milk and then it 'll be away .
11 Um now um getting on to the next bit of the handout erm I 'll just do this next couple of paragraphs and then and then it 'll be time for a break for ten minutes or so .
12 and then it 'll be till Tuesday he 's already got some even though they got ta be sent out to the firm
13 and you work on the computers what you 're gon na be and then it 'll be silly if they brought you to a nursery afterwards if you wanted to be
14 That 's side B now and then it 'll be full
15 No , I do believe that Mr 's report is coming to the March property er , sub-committee and then it will be the subsequent meeting of the policy and resources committee which will be at the end of March .
16 I will be discussing with the Irish Hockey Union how far I would like to go — and then it will be a matter of reaching a compromise .
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