Example sentences of "and could [adv] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 George made a great sacrifice by killing Lennie as the people chasing him were very angry and could easily have killed George through their anger .
2 It flew within two hundred feet of Gatwick 's South terminal buildings and could easily have hit other aircraft or vehicles .
3 ‘ He makes the game look so simple and could easily have shot 63 . ’
4 Everton , inspired throughout by Peter Beardsley , killed off the game by romping into a 3–0 lead in 38 minutes and could easily have doubled it .
5 The CDs average about 55 minutes and could easily have permitted inclusion of all the Tangos recorded by Domingo or all the selections from Wunderlich 's Heliodor Viennese Song recital .
6 In that case the contract to buy the television will be cancellable provided the customer did not know , and could reasonably have known , that the trader sold televisions .
7 I just told her that it might be interesting for me to get to know something of France , after all I was still young for University Entrance and could probably arrange to do some of the work here .
8 True , I had the somewhat grisly T-shirt and track-suit bottoms which had gamely seen me through a two-hour run-through , but they were in a state and could probably have walked unaided to the BBC on their own .
9 The audience who had loved him as a stage juvenile were themselves growing old , and could not fail to notice the signs of ageing in their idol .
10 On the other hand , she loved the house , and could not bear to leave it .
11 She felt his hands on her back and her waist and could not manage to care about that either .
12 They were intensely sensitive to criticism for diplomatic and military weakness and could not contemplate accepting the role of ‘ second fiddle on the world stage . ’
13 ‘ The fish were really distressed and could not avoid bashing into each other with the water level so low .
14 The little tailor , as I have told you , was first and foremost a craftsman , and he stared in wonder at this beautiful model and could not begin to imagine what fine tools or instruments had carved and wrought it .
15 In truth , he also wanted to get married and could not afford to do so on the salary he was receiving at the Yorkshire Institution — one of the worst paid in the country .
16 Before last Tuesday Darlington 1 were only five points clear on the same number of games and could not afford to lose a match .
17 " They simply can not and could not afford to stop work .
18 Hoomey thought back , and could not remember having them when he had run home through the rain .
19 The Prince , reminded that he had military responsibilities , suddenly looked grave , but he had an irrepressibly high-spirited nature and could not help laughing again .
20 The driver noticed my strange appearance and could not help laughing .
21 Although everything had been done on a shoestring , she was pleased with the result — and could not help feeling pleased with his praise .
22 But why was the party so keen to have two national daily newspapers published in Dar es Salaam when it was clear that they would use up much-needed funds in the initial investment and could not guarantee to pay for themselves ?
23 I showed her the letter , but she looked confused and could not seem to understand it , so I had to explain .
24 Unmarried women had even less control , and could not own land at all .
25 For instance , half a dozen A's are included much later because as Miller explained varieties of Aloe and Agave had only recently flowered in the Chelsea Garden for the first time and could not have appeared before .
26 Sara Hart was not his wife , was no longer his mistress , and could not have affected him financially .
27 Moreover the Communist International was located in Moscow , the capital of a Communist state , derived its funds from a governing party , and could not have functioned without the help of its largest member , the Soviet Communist Party .
28 The solution : Roger Wickens ' death was murder , not suicide ; he was left-handed and could not have shot himself as described .
29 In fact Nathaniel had grown into a dissolute of considerable proportions by the time Dowd entered his employ , and could not have cared less what kind of creature Dowd was as long as he procured the right kind of company .
30 The blow to the back of his head might lay him senseless a short while , but certainly had not broken his skull , and could not have killed him .
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