Example sentences of "and when [pers pn] [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But these histories are more intelligible when seen as part of a whole and when it is understood that the forces that encouraged or hindered their growth were deeply rooted in the local society of which they form so characteristic a part .
2 He finds the necessary justification for coercion in the justice or efficiency or some other contemporary virtue of the coercive decision itself , as and when it is made by judges , and he adds that consistency with any past legislative or judicial decision does not in principle contribute to the justice or virtue of any present one .
3 But in fact , if you look through bibliographies and citations in the literature , you find it 's hardly ever cited , and when it is cited , people seldom if ever , seemed to refer to what Freud er says in it , let alone take any notice of it .
4 Generally , infertility does not come as a sudden cut-off point ; rather it declines gradually , and when it is observed we have to look for the cause in the interdependence breakdown , and not just regard it as a shortage of one or other nutrients .
5 Exploration of karate techniques continues with open-handed blocking methods , more elaborate kicks and head height ( jodan ) and when it is completed , a final kick — the back kick — is performed .
6 Behavioural management Keeping a diary of what the child eats in a day and when it is eaten can help the parent become aware of the eating pattern .
7 The rationale is that it gives artists a share in the value of their work as and when it is resold by dealers and galleries .
8 If and when it is accepted , the agent will take ten per cent commission on your royalties .
9 The oceans are never going to be stupendously productive , relative to their size ; high productivity is always localized , and when it is achieved it is always fragile .
10 The inner wall of each chamber is stiff and when it is moved in or out , it makes a click , as the lid of a tin may do .
11 It is especially weak when it is pulling against the expectations of firms and consumers , and when it is implemented too late .
12 In the Indian sub-continent the cities have colonised the villages and the rural communities have gradually been eroded until ( ideally for industrial capitalism ) nothing remains but a pool of reserve labour which can be drawn upon as and when it is needed .
13 As the lambs become stronger and more mobile they can move freely in and out of defined heat zones , taking warmth as and when it is needed .
14 I would agree that some of our residential homes , in spite of difficulties do provide very good residential care for people with dementia and that ideally , we need a combination of residential care and cursing skills with good support from community and hospital psychiatric and paramedical services as and when it is needed .
15 And when it is burnt in large amounts , then the CO 2 that was taken up in the ancient world over a period of , say , a million years , may be released into the modern world in just a few years .
16 In addition , many kinds of coal — including the kind found in Britain — contains appreciable amounts of sulphur ; and when it is burnt , this is released as oxides of sulphur .
17 European coal contains a small percentage of sulphur and when it is burnt , in power stations and factories , sulphur dioxide ( SO 2 ) is produced , which ( after further reactions with atmospheric oxygen ) dissolves in rain water to produce sulphuric acid .
18 The progesterone , as explained above , inhibits FSH-RH secretion ; the sponge is left in place for 21 days and when it is removed the goat starts to cycle , comes on heat and ovulates .
19 The hypothesis that NO or an NO-like substance is an enteric inhibitory neurotransmitter is based on the following evidence : ( 1 ) the enzyme responsible for NO production , NO synthase , has been shown within enteric neurons ; ( 2 ) NO is released onstimulation of enteric inhibitory NANC nerves , ; ( 3 ) there is a uniformity of action on gut smooth muscle when NO is applied from an exogenous source and when it is released by nerve stimulation ; and agents that inhibit or potentiate the effect of inhibitory nerve stimulation have a similar action on exogenously applied NO .
20 But countries now have the option of making drawings under a standby arrangement whereby they negotiate access to the credit tranches but only use the facility if and when it is required .
21 When the amendment is carried , it becomes the substantive motion and when it is put to the vote you vote against it since you would prefer to give nothing rather than £15 .
22 All money which people save has to be invested somewhere , and when it is taken out of circulation it helps to reduce inflation .
23 And as we have already seen , Halgren 's ( 1974 ) experiment shows that pre-exposure results in retarded conditioning , both when the stimulus is used as a CS+ ( signalling reinforcement ) and when it is used as a CS- .
24 It is known that sampling is used very little , and when it is used , is often used incorrectly .
25 And when it is finished ; when Famagusta is taken , what do you think will happen to you , and to me ? ’
26 Yes , the other half does exist , and when it is found the love is eternal and absolute and brings with it a fulfilment of identity .
27 There are times when it is convenient for us to go to sleep ( the shops are not open , etc. ) and when it is expected that we will not be noisy .
28 And when it 's done I 'll tell you . ’
29 Either that or you will have decided to build that extension you 've both wanted for so long to put that rattan furniture in , and when it 's finished discover that the blessed stuff does n't fit at all .
30 As and when it 's needed , out it will come . ’
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