Example sentences of "and when it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite joint ventures in Europe with Philips and Olivetti , and in Spain , AT&T did not successfully achieve the same status as the existing ‘ foreign legion ’ telecoms equipment suppliers ; Siemens of Germany and Ericsson continued their traditional success as equipment suppliers in many countries , and ITT largely held on to its foreign markets both under its US ownership and when it came under majority French ( Alcatel ) control in 1986 .
2 His natural musical imagination silenced any lingering doubts , and when it came to music expressly written for the instrument — a brilliant showpiece sonata by the American , Paul Creston ; a new work commissioned from the young Irishman , Kevin O'Connell ; and Dave Heath 's vigorous fantasy , Rumania — McChrystal could not have been more persuasive , brilliantly supported by his accompanist , Kathryn Lenahan .
3 And when it came to the last garment , I pulled that off as well , glad as children always are , and I hope always will to be undressed and free , and stood in what Janet calls ‘ birthday clothes ’ .
4 Firelight was conspicuously much less nervous , and when it came to the riding she did for Nails what she would do for none of the others , even Nutty .
5 His life was a million miles away from ours , his past revered , his future assured , the son of a doctor and the father of one , and when it came to ‘ caring ’ he 'd only touched the surface .
6 Only that morning she had stood , she , Kitty Bainbridge , had actually stood in a queue for nail polish , and when it came to her turn there was no more left .
7 He even took exception to the introduction I gave him and when it came to the commercial break , he wagged his finger at me .
8 And when it came to moving them around , who was going to take any notice of vehicles coming and going from a hospital ?
9 It was a fair enough question , and when it came to being fair Fabia endorsed that she owed him this particular explanation .
10 And when it came to those Trumpers I could only agree with my father 's judgment .
11 Discovery was inevitable and when it came at last there were reasons to rejoice , but not at the reunion with Christopher .
12 The bear outgrew the hut very quickly , and when it got to about 23 stone they decided to give it to London Zoo .
13 How and when it got in there we do n't know as yet .
14 We led by two shots going into the last round , and when it blew on the last day , I did n't think anybody could beat Trevino .
15 Er and when it progressed to automatic tools , all these tools were kept in a store at night , and you collected them in the morning when you went back onto the job .
16 When Labour opposed sequestration of union assets it meant , ‘ strike freely ’ , when it said trade union immunities would be restored it meant ‘ strike often ’ , and when it approved of enabling secondary action it meant ‘ strike anywhere ’ .
17 The aircraft went into a dive and when it broke through the cloud base the pilot saw the ground less than 1000 feet below him .
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