Example sentences of "and know that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Many people wish to plan their funerals in advance , and to know that they have set aside the money to pay for them :
2 Responsibility for those who deliver the education service requires people to feel and to know that they have a professional responsibility and can be trusted to discharge that .
3 ‘ Users can buy WINDOS now , use the DOS spreadsheet , and know that they 've got the Windows spreadsheet ready to go as and when they 're ready , ’ says Ms Reay .
4 There 's the erm er the value of the contract per year , there 's a first year you know it 's just the the co cost of the ad thirty percent that 's what the commission was worth and it 's nice to come out with a signature for a erm and this was a charity one so they got it slightly less , erm er and know that you 've just earned yourself that much .
5 I have complete confidence in your filial love , and know that you have taken all possible care of your devoted mother …
6 of it er but I 'd rather be viewed on my own merits on my own worth er be willing to take a few risks in life erm and know that I 've got the rewards at the end of it for making a success .
7 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
8 Noticing that her hands are shaking and knowing that he has noticed she forces herself to act cool , not daring for the moment to analyse her disquiet lest she is incapable of handling the reason .
9 If you could go to her , genuinely sorry for the hurt you had caused her and knowing that you had come to terms with your conflict about the difference in your ages , then maybe she might be willing to consider starting again .
10 He could hear people shouting in the distance and knew that they had gone chasing off in the opposite direction .
11 Some of them had a memory of metal , of bronze heads , and shields and tools : when they came upon the hulk of a wrecked ship on one of the cays of Oualie , they found rusted nails and coopers ' bands and knew that they had remembered right something the islands had never known .
12 He saw her dust devil from a long way away , and knew that she had been led here by her own dreams , by the pull of the moon .
13 But then she felt the sudden tension of the others , and knew that she 'd pushed it too far .
14 She looked back at Nuadu and knew that it had to work .
15 I had my problem hamstring and knew that I had n't had the necessary training to run a 200 metres after a 100 and a relay .
16 After what seemed an eternity , and was well over two hours , I felt the marsh ground underfoot change to shingle and knew that I had reached the shore .
17 I stood there in the dark and the rain , and knew that I had created a monster .
18 Clive heard the fountain , and knew that he had torn something important .
19 He felt as if he had walked for miles and knew that he had certainly had too much to drink .
20 He turned to look at Myeloski , peering urgently out of the window as the traffic stacked up and made movement impossible , and knew that he had nothing in common with these people , nothing that could be shared because of his blood .
21 She heard him say it , and knew that he had , indeed , been there in her bed .
22 In Benedict 's glance , as he handed her up into his curricle , she recognised regret , and knew that he had fallen victim — like other men before him — to the curse she carried with her always .
23 Japan wants a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council , and knows that it has to show that it deserves one .
24 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
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