Example sentences of "and that is that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , there may be a loophole and that is that once the compatible interoperable program has been created there seems no reason why the interface details can not be subsequently used to create competing , replacement programs as long as there is not a substantial copy made of the code in the original program , as indicated in Figure 3 .
2 There is one remarkable difference between the two texts , and that is that where the responsa version has the composite wording lego concedique volo the digesta text has only concedi volo .
3 Now , let me say there 's one component of what Brian and Gerry have been saying , which I most passionately agree with as it happens — get that bit off my chest first — and that is that until we have a clear understanding of the mechanisms and processes of development , the processes whereby an egg turns into an adult , our theory of evolution will , indeed , be very imperfect , and we do not have such a theory , erm it 's exceedingly important that we should work on such a theory , and such a theory it is n't sufficient simply to say ‘ Oh well , there 's a genetic programme for development ’ and imagine that in other ways actually said something , because you actually have n't .
4 Er I come up to draw the President 's attention erm to a problem we have within the delegation and that is that when er Dick called the mover of resolution three eight one in the name of the Lancashire region John who was going to move the resolution was in fact sat in his seat within the delegation .
5 Only one thing is certain , and that is that if the employee is not consulted , and given an opportunity to state his case , an injustice may be done .
6 Erm something we did omit , which we should not have done , earlier was to mention the fire escape scenario and that is that if you go out of this door , just the coffee table there 's a large marked fire exit .
7 Yes , I mean you put your finger on an important problem here that we need to discuss and that is that if you concentrate on human beings in general , and this is true on our own society but I , I think it 's true of just about all societies and it 's emphatically true of primal hunting adult societies then men do make a lot of parental investment do n't they ?
8 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
9 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
10 Oh well that 's really turning it round , is n't it ? erm My feeling is that it would work very well provided there was a , a safeguard , and that is that if you wanted to argue you could .
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